Zoom meeting – what’s time between sketchers?

Please remind the photographer to take at least two screen shots of the group. Well, we were all intent, anyway! (click to enlarge pics)

Bev, Jane, Sandy, Marsha, Rita, Danita, Tricia, Daisy, Bitty, Laura, BarbSo, & Hugh. We shared and talked for about 1 1/2 hours today!

     Bev’s joining us from the rainy coast in Brookings, Oregon – so she’s back to serious designing, & sketching her closet! Of course she is.

       Jane used colored pencils on colored paper, then did her  fountain pen & ink survey, and tried her soluble ink on the catkins. Whooee.

      Sandy’s starting a new sketchbook, so she’s testing her mark making tools to start. Quick sketch on the river, & follow up on suggestions!

          Marsha got sidetracked trying out her husband’s pens, then on to class assignments – she’s committed to stretching her talents!

          It’s such a pleasure to have Rita back with us, thanks to Zoom. She says she’s trying to loosen up, but why! We all think these are great!

      Danita is one of our most committed sketchers, and so put some thought into these. Well, the last one took five minutes each item.

      Tricia’s back with us, and eager to share her watercolor sketches from a workshop in South America. Lovely and lush.

      Daisy’s still sketching neighbors’ yards – “not done, come back!” OK. And taking workshops – a different way of looking at landscape.

     Bitty took group advice from last week & cut her painting in half! Then rosehips (using friskit), and the neighbor’s real house color. (!)

       Laura (& Jane) is taking Liz Steel’s “Sketching Now” class, mostly on page design & adding elements –  here: borders, boxes, color blocks.

       BarbSo tries to get a sketch done every day, so her life gets chronicled along the way. And we want to join her for tea!

         Hugh caught the glow through the trees & quickly captured it on his iPad. Then he tried watercolor to get reflections.  And now he’s trying out his new Lamy fountain pen with soluble ink. Never bored!