Zoom – Keeping us Stretching with Sketching

Marsha, Jane (with Tucker the mini Aussiedoodle pup), Laura, Bitty, Danita, Hugh, Barb So, Bev, Daisy, Sandy, and Rita.

      Marsha is already so adept at botanicals (watercolor, ink), so she’s now working on doing portraits (using water-soluble ink). Great!

  Jane’s still learning from her class with Liz Steel on sketchbook design – here an early planning sketch followed by the next step.

        Laura sketched architecture of an old house, then shared a card she made with Valley Calligraphers Guild – leaving that white edge!

     Bitty tried two approaches to a watercolor sketch of a red feather. But what we all loved was her landscape impression of the valley.

         Danita shared  a lovely sketch of the beach with dune grass, as well as a photo of her pastel set up. Oh boy, now she’s set up! Watch out.

      3 viewpoints from Hugh: Ireland, out the van window, and at the dentist getting his teeth cleaned (that one definitely won the day!).

    Barb So captured scenes inside and out. Delightful contrasts, and both of them so inviting. I want to be there!

      Bev continues to explore and sketch her new surroundings, and decided that since she lives at the coast she really should do a boat!

   Daisy agreed with Jane that doing a 2 page spread with design elements in mind is not easy. But look at those boots! Charming.

    Sandy & her husband, Hugh are avid birders, and she was delighted to find these two “lifer” birds which she enjoyed sketching. Then she received a photo of her brother-in-law & friends fresh from kayaking in the snow – what a wonderful sketch that turned out to be!

      Rita has a large range of sketching skills, from landscape, to up close botanical work, and including her mother’s vintage perfume bottles.