Zoom – fascinating explorations

Marsha, Jane, Laura, Danita, BarbSo, Hugh, Bitty, Daisy, Bev, Rita.

      Please click on each of Rita’s sketches above – they each carry a message as well as an evocative and effective sketch. Well done!

        Bev has her artist’s eye busy, and her fingers busy capturing natural treasures she sees around her. Her design background shows.

        We were all delighted with Daisy’s negative background sketching, the “no-line” vase edge, & scone. Laura recorded the colors  and tools she used to bring her desktop treasures to life – clever idea!

      Bitty sketched what was in front of her – sewer pipe replacement! And then she rewarded herself with an eye-grabbing crocus sketch.

      Hugh is really enjoying exploring fountain pen ink – here in blue, brown, & black – both water soluble and permanent. We like it, too.

      Barb So creates such delightful sketches, whether a scene of walking the dog, or a still life of perfume bottles, or a lemon on a plate.

  Danita’s sketches this week have been incredibly informative, both in sketch and text. I think we were all taking notes and planning….

     Jane is still caught up in doing 2 page spread design, some of which works out better than others! It’s time consuming, but satisfying.

     Marsha’s sketches reflect what she’s been learning in class – both different approaches to same topics, & different uses of same tools.