Month: May 2018

  • Backyard Sketching in Style

    Cathy’s backyard, Eugene, OR

             Cathy & Ken greeted us at the door, treated us to scones, fruit, and coffee, making us feel very welcome. What a double pleasure.


        Erik brought a sketchbook and samples of sketches submitted for publication by his uncle, who must a been a wonderful role model.

           Danita was busy in a corner of the yard capturing the charming bird feeder. Look how she builds her sketch, layer by layer.

           Jane was at the end of the table looking at the treats (Jan, Erik, and the food beyond), sketching Ken’s grandmothers elephant planter.

          Jan and Barb So were busy sketching – Barb chose the elephant planter, too, but says she wants to add color to it.

            Jan shared a sketch of Erik from one of her old sketchbooks, then did her usual direct ink or marker to the paper. Wow, exquisite work.

    Marcia and Bev started out in the full sunshine, the Marcia headed for shade:


            Here are Bev’s sketches – what a wonderful yard to sketch in!

            Marnie cleverly made some color swatches to guide her choices.

          Katie seriously got into detail – this is going to be interesting when she adds color to it – what a charming rendition!

          Barb SN showed up, welcome back! I think she enjoyed sketching and painting in the sun. She has a lovely loose style.

           Lealan took the path less traveled by and discovered a Buddha head in the foliage. She says she thinks she’s getting the hang of markers!

           It was great to have Tricia back with us. I’ve missed her full page, capture the moment sketches, so lively and rich in color and detail.

             Satoko even got in some sketch time among the socializing. So good to have her back with us, too.

    All in all, we had a terrific time sketching together at Cathy’s. Thanks!

  • A Rosy Glow in Our Outside Sketching!

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR



    The sun through the red umbrellas really does a trip!

          Erik’s completed sketch, and Marsha’s intermediate outline (oh those angles and perspective – where’s Satoko?).

          Daisy and Marnie both chose to sketch nearby clothing on display.

    Bev (our overachiever) got in a two page spread of clothes – wow!

             Ken’s work really was blue ink on white paper, portrait studies.

            Laura was frustrated with her umbrella, and Ken offered to show her some tips. Look for dark & light contrasts – see how it turned out!

         Jane was working on negative space with water soluble ink (ack!), and Lona was applying her signature bold colors to a simple design.

          Lealan’s marker pens made the most of the colorful courtyard!

  • Looking Out at 5th St. Market

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

        We’d hoped to be outside, but the weather is being erratic, so we’re back at out favorite window inside 5th St. Market.

        Barb So took a photo of one of the outside planters to help her get details straight. It’s nice to have that as an assist.

          Bev captured two scenes our the windows, and then brought colors over from one page to the other so that they were integrated.

        Daisy succumbed to the giant croissant au chocolate, but had the wisdom to cut it in half and get busy sketching it! Good choice.

          Danita’s sketch demonstrates  developmental steps, going from pencil to watercolor, to ink, and paying attention to contrasts.

          Helga was sketching from a photo, and did a great job of getting depth with darks and lights. Where’d that roofline come from???

         Jane was feeling rattled by a phone call, but sketching what was in front of her without overthinking it brought her out of the dumps.

           Ken came later in the morning and sure made up for lost time!

            Fun to see Laura’s sketch burst into full color – she said she had some helpful advice from Daisy in getting the colors to pop. It worked!

          It’s always so interesting to see Lona build her sketches – pencil sketch lines, then loose watercolors bring it to life. (Love that pot!)

           And Marsha is becoming the queen of the colored pencils! She keeps  a light hand and a sharp point, bringing in colors that make it sing.

  • Sketching at Tradewinds.

    Tradewinds at Jiffy, Eugene, OR

    It’s a bit hard to see through the plexiglass, but here we all are.


            Penny and Patti were sketching the huge tree across the street.

            Here’s Jane’s version of the tree, then a necklace sketch.

                Bev was trying out watercolor pencils, and got trees in, too.

        Erik got started on trees and shrubs, and Ken got busy on Erik!

         Barb Sh continued to build on a prior sketch page to include…wow!

           Here’s Marnie’s sketch of Marsha’s foot, Marsha’s finished sketch of the cemetery from last week, and Daisy’s sketch of teapot & cup.

            Katie’s sketch summed up our experience at Tradewinds – yummy.

    And meanwhile, here’s what we received from the Larkins!

  • Bringing the Outside In

    Tradewinds Cafe @ Jiffy, Eugene, OR

    Earlier it seemed like such an apt decision to go to Hendrick’s Park to see the rhododendrons in bloom on May Day, but the reality of the chilly day sent us to a more protected setting!

       We do like the “outdoor” seating at Tradewinds, and quickly took over the place and got to sketching (along with coffee & treats).

        And look who’s here! Helga & Tutti (Jane’s dog) really hit it off, and Tutti was agreeable to posing. (Dogs are allowed not tied to tables.)

          Tutti helped Ken focus…way to go on that tree!

          Here’s Jane’s sketch of Tutti, and then of Ken’s coffee & treat.

         Sandy did a sketch of Ken, then tried a different white pen to get a stronger line on the black paper. It’s always an experiment!

            Helga was at the next table, bringing the outside in, thanks to her phone photos. She used ink and brought in colored pencils, too.

          Bev, next to her, was using a circle template, puzzled about group perspective, and got a kick out of comparing Tutti sketches.

           Marsha was doing a sketch from her photos of the historic cemetery behind Hope Abbey – we want to plan a sketch outing there for all.

    And what were Erik & Hugh busing doing?

           Ah, see the photo of the old house in Hugh’s lap above – well done.

          Erick didn’t need to be in Hendrick’s Park to do a blooming scene!

          Barb So had a sketch of one of us from last week, then tackled the compliant Tutti for a charming sketch of him, too.

           Daisy was adding to her sketchbook, drawing in her lap under the table, and getting the tree across the street to come right on over!

             Lona launched right in on her painting of rhododendrons, bringing that garden item to life amid the sketchers. So loose & wonderful.

           Meanwhile, Barb Sh was sketching Lona’s feet, and what else? Well, Tutti, of course! And she does dogs so very well.