Zoomers Sketches

The usual suspects plus a new one: Bitty, Jane, Marsha, Bev, BarbSo, Laura, Danita, Peggy!, and Daisy. Welcome Peggy. (Note that Bev is totally preoccupied with the banner she’s doing for a local festival.)

      Bitty just got back from Summer Lake and environs – can she tell she’s in love with rock? Lovely fast sketches.

      One of the things we like about Zoom is being able to see works in process – Jane’s carefully planned page, and a quick tree sketch.

      The first two irises are Marsha’s from a year ago, the last from a few days ago – from very careful details to the loose spirit of the flower!

   Speaking of breaking out of the mold, here’s Barb So’s headstone rubbing with  quick sketch in front, then a moody sketch with pot .

     Laura’s sketches from the cemetery visit zeroed in on plants and designs. It’s interesting to see what catches each artist’s eyes.

   Danita has started a new sketchbook focused on the birds she sees around her at the various feeders they have hanging in trees.

     Peggy had a dramatic sketch from the cemetery, and a tree done with sparkly ink (which doesn’t scan or photograph well, darn it).

    Daisy’s continuing her illustrations for the mystery novel, and wants to continue to do food and flowers (see the new sketchbook entry!).