Zoom Sketchers

Sunshiny faces: Hugh, Jane, Bev, Marsha, Danita, Peggy, Sandy, Laura, BarbSo, Daisy, Rita. But some have been too busy to sketch!

Hugh has discovered that he can view several of his small sketchbook sketches side by side in his iPad!

          Jane has discovered what a difference various sketchbook paper makes – left, not so good; right better. And then there’s Bee paper.

      Bev sketched her first gallery sitting in Brookings, along with her cat (of course), and a trip to the beach “collecting” beach walkers.

    Marsha discovered the difference in image recording devices!

Then she shared her mock-up of her 2 artist pages for our book.

Peggy had a great time with this rose – note the use of orange gel pen for the stamens. How clever was that!

        Sandy’s being loose while working on expression in her people sketches, and it shows – good work! (Love that middle one!)

        Daisy’s continuing her cooking sketches, did a corner of her room, and then in an accordion book a collection of bottles! See below:

      And Rita’s have fun going back over her photos to do quick sketches, and we’re enjoying that virtual  trip.