Zoom Meeting Sketchers

Bev, Jane, Danita, Marsha, Daisy, Peggy, Bitty, Laura, Rita.

         Rita brought her sketch to the group asking for suggestions – more hair, go darker! So she did, and isn’t it great!

Peggy had photos (taken at different times, hence the lighting difference) to show how she developed her poppy painting. Then shared (below) her sketch from Alton Baker, & pages for our book.

       Marsha had sketches from the park, and a photo of her daughter who helped her put up strawberry jam (sketch from last year).

              Jane did a water-soluble ink sketch in her yard, the remnants of a peony, and her sketches from the park.

Danita is continuing to play with the face shapes and expressions.

         BarbSo was having technology problems so couldn’t join us on Zoom, but sent photos of her recent sketch work – so wonderful!

The reason you’re not seeing work from the other folks who were at the Zoom meeting is that they’re so busy they haven’t gotten around to sending images of their work to the webmaster. But there’s still a whole lot of sketching going on!