TD Zoom Meeting

We’re all (mostly) in our places: Peggy, Jane, Bev, BarbSo, Bitty, Marsha, Danita, Laura, Hugh, Rita.

      Barb So – quick people sketch, local birds, & agapanthus blooming!

    Please do click on each of Bev’s sketch images above to see them enlarged – they’re delightful!

    Bitty & Peggy have very busy lives right now, so they each had just one sketch to share, but what wonderful sketches!

        Danita was busy camping, but not to busy to sketch what she saw around her – makes you feel like you were there, too! Ahhhh.

         Hugh’s committed to sketch something every day, but many of us were fascinated by his water soluble ink color mix chart.

        Jane’s taking a break from sketching every day, but hasn’t quit sketching all together! Here’s her new colored pencil color chart.

     Laura had a lovely colored pencil sketch to share, and then a new departure – sketching track contenders from the newspaper!

      Marsha shared some black & white graphite sketches, some with water soluble ink (with water or watercolor over the top) – nice!


Rita’s doing a visual journal of her agapanthus as it opens from bud to flower, and then there’s her Mexican Bird of Paradise – wow!