Zoomers mugging it up

More (or less) present: Marsha, Jane, Peggy, BarbSo, Daisy, Bitty, Rita, & Bev.

       Bev’s cat was taking over her sketches, until it came to her responding to Daisy’s “sketch all your mugs” idea – wowza!

       Barb So is a cat lover, too – they even appear in her mugs!

        Marsha’s love of her water soluble ink pen extends to mug sketches!

   Jane’s careful attention to detail went wonky in her mug sketches (done on a coffee filter with fountain pen in about 5 minutes!).

       Rita, just back from a family trip, scurried to join the mug challenge.

       Daisy, who started the sketch-your-mugs, is on to more collections!

   Peggy was too busy refining her sketch from Cortesia to do mugs.

   And Bitty was in a land far far away, totally mugless.