We’r e all in our places: Marsha, Jane (&Tutti), Peggy, Danita, Sandy, Hugh, Bev, Pat (& Jasmine), Bitty, BarbSo, Laura.Laura’s still being influenced by Sketchbook Revival – wonderful sketch!Well maybe it’s just a spring celebration, here by BarbSo.Bitty is celebrating being with musicians playing at Sam Bond’s. Super!Pat has officially finished her Taos sketches, and moved on to her garden. Nice work.Bev’s sketches show that spring has come to the Oregon coast, too!Hugh is grateful for welcoming nurseries and coffee shops – we are, too!Sandy’s hanging out out in some the same places Hugh is, fifferent views though.Danita is seriously getting ready for her trip to the southwest – zowie!Look what caught Peggy’s eye – nice texture for that velvety pansy!Jane says she’s done making friends with numbers now – fly away!Marsha’s not done with getting tangled up – what fun this sketch is!