Color in the Courtyard

New Day Bakery Courtyard, Eugene, OR

    Here’s how the group started out – Sandy & Hugh; Jane’s sketchbook, Barb So, Ellen Gabehart, Lona, Barb Sh, and Penny.

And here’s how the group ended: Barb Sh, Bev, Sandy, Hugh, Ken, Ellen, and Lona (Jane behind the camera). Lealan came later.

     Barb Sh & Lona shared their finished sketches from last week – Barb put the country name as they use it on top of their flags.

          Sandy sketched the old tree trunk, and here’s how it turned out.

       Hugh did a different tree next to an umbrella (& doesn’t it glow!).

      Ken chose that tree, too, but with a different approach – go darker!

       Barb Sh was eager to show Ken her finished page (see above), as well as her two page flip animation. Then she sketched a toy she brought.

    Penny got a lot of her sketch done before she had to leave, and here are her bright models.

         Bev sketched the marigolds, too, and didn’t they turn out great!

     Lona’s sketch was a mystery outline until she added color – oh! the wonderful artist’s bags, of course!

          Barb So & Ellen chat – Barb started with an umbrella-table sketch, then ended with those vibrant morning glories.

       Ellen’s a real people-person, so she included people under the umbrella, paying attention to texture in the background – nice!

       Jane did the table-umbrella, and added some flowers. Then both she and Bev were charmed by a dog sitting across the way patiently waiting for bits of his owner’s scone. And see, there’s Lealan!

Finding Food for Thoughtful Sketching

Food Court, Valley River Center, Eugene, OR

   Hugh, Erik, Sandy; Daisy, Lona, Daisy’s sister-in-law. Erik had to leave early, and the sister-in-law was a resistant sketcher. Too bad.

     Barb So with her sketch from her home; Jane’s sketch where she is deciding whether to include the cup container or not…

Penny, Hugh, Marsha, Sandy, & Barb Sh, all hard at work!

      Marsha works at capturing the elusive shape of the sculpture, and Sandy sketches one the “models” at a nearby table.

       Daisy uses a bunch of us for models in a fun lively sketch.

    Lona gets literal in sketching whatever is in front of her!

        Penny refers to a photo on her iPhone, first a flower, then a bird – and oh, look at that heron take on life!

       But Barb Sh is still off reliving her latest trip adventure. Wow.