Another Sunny Sketching Day in the Shade

5th St. Market, downstairs courtyard, Eugene, OR

Marnie, Lealan, Bev, Erik, Marsha, Helga, Daisy, Barb Sh, Penny & Laura – what a nice gathering of sketchers on this warm day!


    Here’s Bev’s geraniums, and Erik’s coast painting – both wonderful!

          Penny sketched the edge of the pool and the plantings beyond, while Marnie went for the baskets and railings just above that spot.

        Barb Shirk did a monochromatic sketch of that scene, too, while Helga and Daisy did unique  multi-colored sketches.

        It’s always so interesting to see what different artists include or exclude – here’s Helga’s sketch, and then Daisy’s “goes for a walk with a line” ala Paul Klee and starting a painting on top of that!

Hot Sketching in the Cool Shade

5th St. Market, lower courtyard, Eugene, OR

     We were clustered around in the lower courtyard, staying in shade while sketching things mostly in the sun. Nice combination!

        Barb Sh was across the courtyard under shade, tackling the fountain sculpture of “Swifty,” a tribute to chicken packing done here.

      Daisy dutifully sketched her breakfast treats before moving on to the rooster, and then flower baskets on overhead railings.

      Laura got up close and personal with the fountain pool before moving on to the flower baskets, too. (Nice to sit near the splash.)

      Helga was looking at the fountain pool from a more distant view, and did a terrific job with all that perspective challenge – way to go!

        Katie said, “I just got started!” to the photographer – but that’s how we show people the way a sketch develops. “Well, ok,” she said.

        Bev began with  pencil sketch, then on to watercolor, and more details from the courtyard (& puffy comforter for the kitten stamp).

        Erik thought he had a “T” terrific strategy for doing bricks – hmm. Then he was back out of his mind (so to speak) sketching a memory.

      Penny did a quick sketch of Laura across the courtyard, then a loose seaside sketch in watercolor followed by inked in lines for definition.

      Marsha took on the rooster sculpture from a different angle, then “Anyone sketched strawberries lately?” No, but eaten them!

           Jane had a simple sketch of her berry Danish & iced tea, then things kept appearing reflected on her page, colored with Lealan’s markers!

        And here’s how Lealan uses her markers – first a light blue outline sketch, then color layers and more layers. What a great effect!

Exploring and Sharing Sketching

Cortesia Sanctuary, Eugene, OR

We just couldn’t give up this inspirational spot!


       Tricia never stops tending the garden, and her efforts show off!

       Barb So found a quiet spot to sketch her hat & nearby flower basket.

       Danita was despairing of her wet on wet technique which requires drying between layers, but look what a nice effect she got!

      Helga, Marsha, and Katie found a shady spot on the deck, and here’s the beginning of Marsha’s sketch looking over the deck to the trees.

        Helga tried her hand at the glass centerpiece, and learned a trick from her friends: rolling a kneaded eraser lightens pencil marks!

      Katie showed her work from last week, then tried a watercolor first approach to compare with her usual ink first strategy.  Hmmm….

     Inspired by Tricia’s usual two page spread, Jane started a new landscape orientation sketchbook with a two page view about her.

        And here’s Tricia working on that two page spread – she always puts  in some text to add to the visual experience – Nice!

      Sharon began her sketch with a light pencil sketch, then started adding interesting layers of color – and who’s that in the sketch?

      It’s Ken! Searching through his collection of tools he ends up using a brush pen with brown paint, and then goes even darker, of course.


Nearby were Sandy and Hugh, back from walking the Camino in Spain, and the Pieterpad in The Netherlands. Welcome back!

Tricia started the sharing part of the morning telling us about the watercolor pouring workshop with Winnie Givott – fascinating!

Then Sandy and Hugh shared their sketchbooks from their recent hiking adventures in Europe. They each wore out one pair of shoes!

      From Sandy’s daily journal with illustrations.

Marsha helps Sandy show one side of her accordion style sketchbook – one side was for the Camino, the other the Pieterpad.

      Hugh started showing Ken his daily journal (mostly words, some images), then showed us all his accordion sketchbook of the walks.

This is Hugh’s Pieterpad side, with images overlapping the folds.

       About that time Lealan emerged from the woods (terrific sketch), and we took a break for a potluck picnic (which was superb!).

Sketching Amid Tall Trees

Cortesia Sanctuary, Eugene, OR

       Tricia invited us to her wonderful place outside Eugene – what a treat to have garden and woods and sweet spots to sketch!

      Several of us settled right down on the deck to begin sketching.

      Tricia started by showing folks around her wonderful space, then settled down to show her “GREEN” painting, and do a new one.

      Jane started with a table ornament, then added a cup, and then finished at home by adding glimpses of treasures at the Sanctuary.

      Helga chose a flower box on the deck with an interesting trellis. She even attempted to get the wood grain in the flower box – super.

          Marsha began her sketch of flowers on the deck with a light pencil sketch, then inked it and added colored pencil. Nice job!

        Katie took one look at the tall trees, the tall peace posts in the labyrinth, the tall flowers, and made rectangle “windows” for them.

      Bev fell in love with Tricia’s ancient cat – what charming sketches!

     We caught a view of Lealan & Ken below the decks – talking art? No, exchanging downsizing ideas! But Bev got in a sweet sketch of them.

      Then Ken was off to the woods, doing first a brush pen impression, and then a far-away view of the valley and  hills beyond.

     Meanwhile, Laura had found a hidden garden, and filled he page with  treasures from it. What a sweet place, a sweet sketch.

We knew Satoko was around somewhere. Here she’s showing Tricia the watercolor she did of the area, so full of light, color and life!