Things That Hold Still

Full City Coffee/Palace Bakery, Eugene, OR

Well it wasn’t exactly the scene of a crime, but it was the scene of the first art show of our sketch work.  And today featured our great preference for sketching things that HOLD STILL.

IMG_5178Jane quickly did a sketch of the coffee bean poster outside the window, while Erik got serious about architecture lines.

IMG_5179    IMG_5180When a few more folks showed up, we moved to the other room.  Here are Sandy, Erik (with the view he started with – the trees outside the window frame), Heidi, & Barb Sommers.

IMG_5181     IMG_5183Sandy was able to get a whole sketch done of the guy having coffee in the window, while Heidi did a sketch of her – don’t move!

IMG_5184     IMG_5185Now you can see Erik’s trees through the window sketch as it has developed, as well as Jane’s tiny palette which she used to sketch this tasty pastry (which has mysteriously disappeared).

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