• Prepping a new sketchbook for a new year

    Jane’s place, Eugene, OR

       This is what the set up looked like before everyone got there.

       The dogs were there to greet everyone (note the protective cover on the carpet for the sketchers), and here came the snacks!

       Ken was at the airbrush station – here’s Barb So trying her hand at it. The stencil table was just beyond Ken was eagerly utilized.

          Let’s see…apply the ink pad directly, use a brush to stipple the ink through the stencil, a spray bottle, or use Copic markers airbrush…

             Ken prompts Lynda through her first airbrush experience, then helps Jim mask his sketch for it – Sandy & Bill stop by to observe.

       Meanwhile, folks at the rubber stamp station were going wild!

          Think they’re having fun? The unmounted stamps were new for some, who learned how to peel them off the page & use the blocks.

          Stamps were chosen with an eye to how sketches would be incorporated later. Bill enjoyed showing Hugh how his turned out.

          Bev took a moment to just sketch! Jim tried the airbrush on his architecture sketch. Danita sketched, & used a spray with stencil.

    The dogs may have felt a bit neglected, but the rest of us had a good time!

  • Sketching at the art gallery

    Emerald Art Center, Springfield, OR

       We went to see member Katie Stocks’ art show, and found another Top Drawers member (Bev Taylor) had art up, too! Nice shows!

     We had to look at the show first – Serge, Bev, Bitty, Penny, Barb So, Jim (already sketching!), Marsha, Carol, Laura & Peggy.

    By the time Ken (our guru & mentor) & Cathy showed up, we were all busy at sketching. They enjoyed seeing Katie’s show, too.

         Cathy viewing Katie’s work; Ken chatting with Laura & Peggy; Ken and Cathy getting to view work Serge has been doing lately.

         So what was Jim working on so intently? Ohmygosh! He took on the entire entry wall of the place, angles and all! Nicely done, too.

         Penny shares some of her inspiration photos with Bev. Look at that distinguished bird! Then she quickly got into doing portraits on site.

            Bev really excels at sketching the people around her, but she also sketched one of the fascinating (& challenging!) sculptures there.

         Hugh said he couldn’t resist the photo he took of a neighbor’s sculpture when “Audrey” ate the Elf! Then back to refine a sketch.

            Marsha did a terrific gestural study of two sketchers in the midst of the art gallery. Love her elegant use of colored pencils.

          Marsha & Carol were sitting together, but Carol’s attention was caught by the architecture of the building. Wonderful windows.

         Peggy started with the window, too, but included a passing truck, and then went on to add hints at the paintings on display.

            Laura took advantage of the captive audience of sketchers to try her hand at people sketching. Adding color makes a difference, too.

      Jane started slowly, but built up her montage of sights at the gallery, including one of Katie’s paintings! Fun mini display here.

  • ‘Tis the Season to be Sketching…

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

        Jude, Daisy, Danita, Serge, Marsha talking with Ken, Peggy; Bitty, Bill, Jim H.  (Jane behind the camera.)

         Barb Sh & Ken; Bev, Hugh, Barb Sh, Erik, Barb So, Sandy.

    First – the seasonal decorations observations:

          Barb So




    Second – the non-seasonal observations around us:







    Third – sketches from places far, far away:

          Barb Sh



           Jim H




  • Sketching and socializing at Café Yumm

    Café Yumm, Eugene, OR

        In the entry lobby: Bev, Helga, Barb So, Laura. In the back room: Bitty, Jim S, Michelle, Barb Sh, Jim H, Marsha, Serge.  Game on!

    Oh, but first, a mini-reunion of sketchers who went to Italy together this year – fun reminiscing – Jim S, Lona, Michelle, Jane, Katie.

            Sketching & socializing – who says you can’t do both?  Here are Jim S, Michelle, Barb Sh; Barb Sh, Hugh; Lona & Michelle.

              Serge & Hugh; Sandy with book on color Marsha brought to share; Sandy & Lona. We benefit so much from what each person brings.

           Hugh & Sandy collaborate with Katie on her sketch; Serge explains his study steps preliminary to doing a painting to Sandy & Michelle.

    Now, on to what people were actually sketching…

          Bev chose a great pre-stamped page in her sketchbook which added to a very festive air about her. Some color, then on to colored paper.

          Helga is still practicing thumbnail sketches, which she finds very helpful in determining perspective. Next to apply it to bigger ones…

         Barb So prepared her page with rectangular boxes for mini-features. What a delight to see what she chose to capture around her.

          Laura started simple, then thought she’d sketch the snowflake ornaments hanging from the ceiling – easy, right? No, difficult!

          Hugh began with water brushing color for the sky, and worked to down to the ground. It’s the scene clear across the street from us.

          Bitty zeroed in on the rocks in the courtyard, applying her wet-on-wet watercolor technique to very good effect! Nicely done.

           Can you tell Jane’s in love with line? Fun to see that courtyard develop, such a different approach from Bitty’s close-up.

          Jim S (Jane’s son) joined us from Portland, and enjoyed taking a break from architecture to do some sketching – nice shadows!

           Barb Sh is continuing to do experiments in sketching to get different effects – the latest is one on toned paper, and she made it pop!

          Katie got the “armature” of the branch down in pencil first, then on to watercolor for the berries, and now the branch itself. Nice.

          Marsha was so quiet no one knew she was sketching them! She’s getting very proficient at doing quick portraits. Great to see.

          Here is Serge showing his four stage preliminary sketch work done prior to a larger watercolor painting. Lovely work already!

         Sandy took advantage of people nearby who were preoccupied so that they made great models – interesting to see on toned paper, too.

          Jim H said he thought he was done with vineyards for awhile, so branched out with a column from Greece & door from Madagascar!

  • Yummy to be inside sketching in the warmth

    Café Yumm, Eugene, OR

    We wanted someplace warm and this was it! Around the table: Bev, Sandy & Hugh, Jim, Katie, Peggy, Laura behind Helga, Danita, Serge, Marsha, Bitty, & Barb Sh.  Don’t you like the new long table? We do.

          Bev was quick to start sketching the tree in the courtyard out the window. Then she even had time to start on the decorations.

          Sandy said her first model left before she was finished, so she had to make him up! Serge, however, was in for the sketching stay – great.

          Hugh was teased about his blank faced person, so he had to show us his finished sketch from last week – pretty spectacular!

          Jim was remembering good times with friends at the vineyard, and this sketch will be an anniversary present for them. It’s so special.

          Peggy had a good time playing with the intertwining trunks and branches, as well as the shadows. Nice sketch, Peggy!

          What’s Katie up to? Finishing her daily trip summaries, then some sketches she started from her trip to Italy. Love that monster.

          Laura sketched the tree from a different perspective, then went on to capture some of the signs outside the building, too.

          Helga was seriously into little thumbnail sketches – hard to let go of all the tiny details yet capture the important aspects. Good job.

          Daisy had fun showing Bitty the sketch she did (mostly in the dark) during an event the other night, then she did snowflake decorations.

          Bitty did a simple contour drawing of the tree in the courtyard with water-soluble ink, then she added water & watercolors – zow.

       Lynda showed us her cone house sketch – they’re found in Croatia and many other places. She also had a photo of a curious mushroom.

          Lealan was just back from California with a sketch she did there, then managed to sketch what she was eating & drinking right here.

          The tall potted plant in the corner caught Danita’s eye, and did she ever have fun with those overlapping leaves – delightful sketch!

          Serge does such a good job at sketching from his phone, and gets the all the pertinent scene details, including shadows. Well done.

         Marsha is honing her portrait sketch skills –  see her two models, from right to left, Bev & Sandy. She’s such an inspiration in her work.

          Jane was working on a photo from home – the coffee maker lid got warped by an under counter light, hence the frog doorstop on top!

          Barb Sh was quite expressive telling us about the statue of Il Gubbio in Venice and stories that have evolved about him (see her writing).