• Coolin’ It at Cortesia

    Cortesia Sanctuary, in the woods outside Eugene, Oregon

    1-CortesiaWelcome to Tricia Clark-McDowell’s world – Cortesia. We were all so pleased to be here in the cool green forest.

    Share-BarbNS       share-Pene-1Barbara Stevens-Newcomb started the sharing with a colored pencil sketch she’d done in a class, and Penelope showed us leaf rubbings she’d done on tissue paper then glued to her sketchbook.

    share-Pene-2   share-TriciaShe also shared a scene from her garden with Sharon Heinz, Barb Aten, and Tricia; then she looked more closely at Tricia’s sketchbook.

    Tricia-1    Tricia-2Tricia and Sharon got busy sketching – here’s Tricia’s final sketch.

    Sharon-1      Sharon-2Sharon was fascinated with the colorful coleus – she liked her outline sketch but what to do to capture the vivid colors? She got lots of suggestions from the group about how to add intensity & values.

    BarbA-1      BarbA-2Barb Aten listens intently to Satoko’s comments, then gets her watercolors out to try her hand at the coleus leaf, too.

    Satoko-1     Satoko-2Satoko scolded Jane – “You moved!” But despite the models refusing to hold still, she finished her sketch of three artists at the table.

    Jane-1      Jane-2And Jane really was sketching, too – here’s her page about Cortesia.

    Pene-1   Pene-2   Pene-3Penelope started with Tricia (across the table from her) and quickly added more people from around the table to her sketchbook.

    Sandy-1   Sandy-2   Sandy-3Sandy had the perfect challenge – a blank sketchbook page! So she started by doing the replication challenge, and then to taking a photo of Tricia’s monk statue which may be replicated in clay soon!


  • Henry Poses Amidst the Red Umbrellas

    Marché Café, Jordan Schnitzer Art Museum, UO Campus

    Even though the red umbrellas cast a ruddy color on our paper, we were grateful for the shade in the sunny courtyard, as well as for Henry the Pug, who cheerfully posed for us:

    ErikSandyHenry Sandy and Erik look on as Henry’s owner enjoys his morning coffee.

    Sandy-Henry-1    SandyHenry-2Sandy does several preliminary sketches of the dog, then gives herself a break by sketching Erik, and then Henry comes to life!

    AnneSatoko    Satoko-dog+Anne Teigen found another dog in the courtyard to draw, and Satoko Motouji started sketching people as well as the dog Henry.

    Anne-Henry     JaneHenryAnne said she was looking for painting inspiration in her sketch; Jane was just happy to get that curly tail and pug nose captured.

    Tricia-1     Tricia-HenryTricia starts with the dog owner, and then sketches Henry in several doggy poses – he is a cutie, for sure!

    P & S       P - testPenelope shows Satoko her new sketchbook – but will the ink bleed? NO! Oh boy, another sketching tool to add to the collection!

    Penelope-1       Barry's-Jane's PagePenelope shows the sketch she did in a colorful garden, and Jane shows her “completed” sketch page from last week at Barry’s.

    Pene-class   Pene-class2Penelope shared information about the upcoming class she’s teaching at Oregon Art Supply – yay for encouraging sketching!

    ErikAlex   Erik   AlexMeanwhile, what are Erik & Jane’s grandson Alex up to? Erik is fascinated by the sculpture across the courtyard in the bamboo, and Alex is fascinated by doing Erik’s name in calligraphy!

  • Lack of Sun No Deterrent to Sketching!

    Barry’s, Eugene, OR

    1-allDespite the unusual cloud cover (we’ve gotten spoiled by the sun!), eight of us gathered to sketch together in the courtyard at Barry’s – Barbara Sommers, Barbara Shirk, Jan, Penelope, Erik, Sandy, Tricia (& Jane behind the camera).

    Erik-1      Erik-2Here are the early birds, fast at it: Jan, the two Barbs, & Erik – on the right you see how quickly Erik develops his sketch in layers.

    Jan-1       Jan-2Jan had her eye on the Black-eyed Susans – check back to see more.

    BarbSo-1        BarbSo-2Barb Sommers used a frame (left) to chose her images, and on the right you see how the sketch came to life.

    BarbSh-1      BarbSh-2Barb Shirk had her eye on a couple across the courtyard, and here’s how that sketch took on additional depth & color.

    trio-1      SandyWe love it when we’re somewhere that allows us to pull up another table to accommodate more sketchers – here’s Sandy, Tricia, and Penelope, with Sandy’s emerging sketch of the Black-eyed Susans.

    Tricia       PenelopeTricia is working on adding value to a previous sketch, and Penelope added her morning quiche to a sketch of a prior jazz performance.

    Jane-1    Jane-2    Jane-bikeJane’s page became a series of vignettes – across the street way above people’s heads in the photo on the left is the wiring graphic, and on the right is Sandy’s fabulous Bike Friday bike.

    Later that night, Jane made a presentation at the Emerald Art Center about her book “A Year of Daily Gratitude Sketches.” She’s holding her original sketch pages, with a PowerPoint on screen.


  • Dappled Sun Sketching

    Barry’s, Eugene, OR

    2-Pen-1   3-Pen-2Hanna Yoshimura is back with us from Japan, and Penelope got a kick out of showing her the bird & map she drew from her trip to HI.

    1-BarbSh-SharonMeanwhile, Sharon Heinz & Barb Shirk have a chat about tools.

    Hanna-1   Hanna-2Hanna got right into the swing of things, sketching her breakfast treat, and then adding on to her sketch journal page.

    Pen-3    Pen-4Penelope followed suite, adding today’s treat to one from last week.

    BarbSh-1    BarbSh-2    BarbSh-3Barbara had us baffled, but slowly her mother’s fountain emerged.

    Sharon-1   Sharon-2   Sharon-3Sharon was working on sketches from her weekend trip to the coast, where Hanna will be next week for the annual Sandgren paint out.

    Erik-1    Erik-2   Erik-3Erik was busy layering his colors – zow! It’s Barbara!

    all-Hanna,Jane     Hanna-wallSo here’s how the table was laid out in the courtyard, missing… Hanna sitting on the wall’s edge to add more to her sketch, and…
    Jane-Erik    Jane-2Jane, chuckling with Erik, while she adds strange designs and applies an even stranger sticker she liberated from the side of the building.

  • Count on Ken

    San Francisco, CA

    While the rest of us were all caught up in dealing with the heat, family and visitors, and all kinds of projects, our  teacher, mentor, and friend Ken O’Connell was busy sketching while out of town.

    Workshop notes




    from 8th floor WORLDMARK, SFO


    Fisherman's Warf

    What a treat (& incentive!) to have him share! Thanks! We’ll be back at it next week.