Daisy, Peggy, (Jane’s spot), Gail, Sandy, Penny, BarbSh, BarbSo, Bitty, Hugh, Eva downstairs doing the rooster yet again!Daisy was fascinated with the tiled roof at the new Supreme Bean burrito place!The outdoor pots drew Peggy’s attention. Nice job, too!Jane deliberated on what goes in which little frame – saved by Allan Bros. sticker!Katie nailed that red chair (chairs are SO difficult!), nice autumn feel to these pages.Gail took time from drawing the coffee grinder at Allan Bros to show us her final rooster!Penny’s view of the coffee shop included different items Sandy did a self portrait, projecting out onto the patio outside – wow!Barb Sh added context to last week’s drawing, had one of her dogs, too!BarbSo’s sketch included a ginkgo leaf – such a vivid spot of fall.Hugh’s sketches ranged from colorful landscape to quick people sketches – Nice!Bitty is applying what she’s learned about landscapes to doing portraits! Way to go!Eva was determined to get that rooster to submit to her vision of it – well done!