Lane Community College Cafeteria, Eugene. Plus Zoomers.
Marilyn and Laura arrived wearing the same outfits! The rest of us didn’t get the memo.BobBobBobDanitaDanitaDanita (see Zoomers below to learn why she was sketching this Bull Snake)LauraLauraMarilyn, PatR, and Susan.MarilynMarilynMarilyn, PatR, and Laura (foreground).PatRPatRPatRPeggyPeggyPeggy (work in process)SusanSusanSusanSusan
After sketching, some of us visited the LCC Art Gallery. Susan did the Art-O-Mat dispenser.
BarbSo (deer where she lives)BarbSoBarbSo (birthday card for a friend)BittyBittyBittyDaisyDaisyDaisy
On a sunny day, Danita stepped on this very large Bull Snake aka Gopher Snake. She first thought, that it was a squishy stick! But then looked down and freaked out! Snake is ok (so is Danita). She’s going to add this story to the page so that her grandkiddos can read about it.
Danita (couple layers of watercolor)Danita (Finished)Laura (at Lane Community College)Laura (sketch of worker at LCC)LindaLindaLindaPeggy (work in process)Peggy (got a few more done)RitaRitaRita