Barry’s at Southtowne, Eugene, OR
Barb Shirk was eager to show us her latest artistic development using paper clay – dimensional plaques, quite delightful!
But then, Barb is always open to sharing – here with Tricia talking about her most recently completed sketchbook – the page on the left is why the dog looked so alarmed: an alligator. On the right she pulls out the sketchbook folding table of contents, alphabetized!
Erik started right in with an image in his mind and look how it developed! He calls it “Sky Window.”
Jane brought a purple oxallis to sketch – her sketch stages here.
Sandy’s sketch came from a different perspective, colorful pot, too.
Barb Sh started off small, but the sketch quickly expanded across to page two – now the color addition!
Barb S-N began a simple single watercolor leaf, got distracted showing us her inexpensive water markers, then started playing with water and on across the page!
And then there was Tricia, totally immersed with replicating her kid’s kitchen …agh! look at all the details!
One response to “Art process is always … uh … in process!”
So fun thanks Jane!!