Art process is always … uh … in process!

Barry’s at Southtowne, Eugene, OR

1Barb Shirk was eager to show us her latest artistic development using paper clay – dimensional plaques, quite delightful!

BarbSh-1   BarbSh-2   BarbSh-3But then, Barb is always open to sharing – here with Tricia talking about her most recently completed sketchbook – the page on the left is why the dog looked so alarmed: an alligator.  On the right she pulls out the sketchbook folding table of contents, alphabetized!

Erik-1           Erik-2Erik started right in with an image in his mind and look how it developed! He calls it “Sky Window.”

Erik-3       Erik-skywindow

Jane-1     Jane-2    Jane-3Jane brought a purple oxallis to sketch – her sketch stages here.

Sandy-1     Sandy-2Sandy’s sketch came from a different perspective, colorful pot, too.

oxalis-BarbSh-1   oxalis-BarbSh-2    oxalis-BarbSh-3Barb Sh started off small, but the sketch quickly expanded across to page two – now the color addition!

BarbSN-1     BarbSN-2     BarbSN-3Barb S-N began a simple single watercolor leaf, got distracted showing us her inexpensive water markers, then started playing with water and on across the page!

Tricia-1         Tricia-2And then there was Tricia, totally immersed with replicating her kid’s kitchen …agh!  look at all the details!


One response to “Art process is always … uh … in process!”

  1. Barb SN Avatar
    Barb SN

    So fun thanks Jane!!