January 3 was the Top Drawers annual Stamping Party at Jane’s house. She has an extensive collection of rubber stamps, stencils and inks. Every year, she invites the group to her home prepare sketchbook pages with stamped imagery. This year she also generously offered to let each sketcher take home a few stamps! We obliged.
All posts by Marsha McCloskey
Two Weeks in December
The Top Drawers sketched together during late December, despite (or maybe because of) traveling and holidays preparations. Today is the first day of the New Year and we are eagerly looking forward to our weekly meetings in 2023. Remember, this is an open group and we invite new sketchers to join us at the Tuesday get-togethers. If you want to know where we will be meeting next, email Marsha McCloskey at [email protected].
Emerald Art
5th Street Market
It was a wet and windy day, but inside the 5th Street Market, it was sketching as usual.
Zoom #105
At Zoom meetings we each show our artwork from the week. Each person sends in their 3 favorites to be posted here.
Zoom #106
Emerald Art center & Zoom #104
Sketching at the Emerald Art Center is so inspiring! Thanks to Katie Stocks for setting it up for the Top Drawers!
Zoom #104
Sketching at Market of Choice & Zoom #103
Market of Choice, Tricia’s Christmas Windows & Zoom #102
The Top Drawers chose the Market of Choice for the Tuesday meet up. A good turnout just after Thanksgiving .
Tricia’s Christmas Windows
Although you haven’t seen me at the sketching meetups for awhile, my daughter and I have been busy painting snowy winter scenes all around the area. So I’m sending a few images for you to hopefully share in the next post……. Tricia