Café Yumm, Meridian Building, Eugene, OR
Ken loves giving sketching tips to everyone (here to Serge), but he usually also manages to get his own sketch done – that plant has life!
Serge took on the challenge of the building’s odd architecture, which really paid off when he followed Ken’s advice – “Go darker.” Wow.
Jane is often up taking photos, then back to play with sketches using the frame format- speaking of having life, that tree was escaping!
And here’s Erik in the line-up. He’s trying out a different approach to his sketches, using watercolor and ink. Yes, this is working. Yay!
Hugh and Laura look industrious. Hugh did two sketches – one with a water brush & soluble crayons, one in ink referring to a photo.
Laura was busy grabbing images from all over – the store windows, the flowers Marsha had on the table, and then the people nearby.
Bitty and Lealan concentrate on their work. Lealan gets those markers working to get contrast, making the flowers pop forward.
Bitty was sketching the tree outside, dramatic against that brick red wall. Then she began a mountain range, referring to her photo.
Bev & Daisy are seated in front of the view of trees & the red wall.
Bev enjoyed sketching the merchandise in the store windows, using Pitt markers for color (“I need more colors!”), then a hanging plant.
This is a good challenge to take on – Ellen refers to the black & white photo, then uses her artist sense to add color, replicating contrast.
Barb Sh wanted to honor Notre Dame, so she’s sketching the photos of the gargoyles there. She’s using water soluble graphite – nice!
Bill recorded some golfing advice along with his sketch, then moved on to more portraits. Nice how the color values provide contrast.
It was a treat to have Mary McLain (from the 2006 Italy sketch trip) come down to sketch with us. She did some very nice portraits.
Marsha & Jim were next at the table. Here’s what Jim was doing – sketching all those lined up Yumm Sauce bottles, then designs.
Marsha really liked how the simple dandelions popped in her digital photo. When she went to paper, she tried using red edges to pop!
Katie is still exploring alternatives within her frame system – it will be fun to see how this strategy plays out in final form here.
Liz did a delightful pencil sketch of tulips in a container, then started laying on colored pencil pigment – lovely effect.
Penny did a great job on the hanging plant – that dark pot makes the leaves jump right out! I kind of like the unfinished partial leaf color.
And Sandy was busy sketching the sketchers! Here they are!