Author: Marsha McCloskey

  • Intrepid Sketchers on January 1st!

    We had been assured that Tradewinds was going to be open on January 1st, but when folks arrived they found it wasn’t so. Did that stop them from sketching? No! “Begin the year as you wish to continue,” Marsha said!

         Daisy and Marsha headed for Market of Choice. Daisy wants everyone to note that she started the year eating vegetables: spinach and kale pastry! Marsha faced “fear of the blank page” with admirable accomplishment – sketch what’s in front of you! Great!

          When Jude and her friend Wanda showed up, they solved the problem by going to Hideaway Bakery, and sketched an antique store item Wanda brought with her. Nicely done!

    Sketchers like these are clearly resilient and determined. Way to go!

  • What Storm? What Rain? Sketch on!

    Public House, Springfield, OR

        It’s hard get a photo of us all, because people keep coming and going (getting coffee, coming from an appointment, etc.). 1st – Jude, Marsha, Ken, Katie, Daisy, Hugh, Jim, & Laura. 2nd –  Laura, Bev, Bill, Jim, Daisy, Katie, Marsha, Helga, Sandy, Hugh, Ken, Jude.  Below are samples of sketches by all of us, in alphabetical order by first name (because the editor is too rushed to figure out the story otherwise):

            Bev not only does a sweet sketch, she frames it with what’s around – a trellis, and the table! Then on to the stained glass windows- oh boy.

         Bill has a fascination for faces, and what interesting ones he collects!

            Daisy’s getting very adept at drawing and laying in color with colored pencils, but she’s also wondering what she can do to “go darker.”

             Helga starts with the main arch of the wall, then expands it into detail and definition. You can tell that the door is set back from the arch!

            Here you can see Hugh’s clever setup for his water soluble wax crayons – he goes directly to them with water brush, then to paper!

              It’s no surprise that Jane started with the botanical. Then she added a penciled outline of a couple of chairs, & the name of the place above.

            Jim did a quick outline in pencil of the building façade & people in front of it, then watercolor – look for what he doesn’t do…

            Jude was looking at a different wall, caught the lights; worried about the angle of the roofed pier, but Jane said the shadows will make it ok.

              Katie started out with a continuous line drawing – oops, no room for the rest of the flower! But it all turned out just terrific anyway!

          Ken said he just found this old watercolor set so decided to use it! Then he brought out his recent ceramics to show us the glazing.

              Laura started out with one head (Jude), added another person (Sandy), then another (Ken) and the building background – what fun!

            Marsha sent these pics in – sometimes people across from you are just too tempting not to draw! Here’s Jim, Daisy, and Jane. Oblivious.

              And here are some of Marsha’s sketches – didn’t she do them well!

            Sandy was sitting across from her sweetie, Hugh. She says she thinks this is the best she’s ever done of him, and she’s done lots! Yep.

         And Satoko’s back from Japan! She’s so quick – a sketch of the flowers before her, and another of a nearby sketcher (Helga). Way to go!

  • Sketching’s all about the light!

    Public House, Springfield, OR

    Much to our surprise, the building didn’t open until 11, but the courtyard was both covered and heated! Great light. We liked it.

             Jane sketched flowers on the table, the sign above them, the colored window logo, & one of the sketchers. Had lunch, $1 off next time!

            Sandy’s a lap painter – first the flower arrangement, then an peeled orange. She & Bill found they both had been organization consultants.

               Bill confessed to sketching people while he was in meetings, and that he had to write down their names so he’d recognize them again.

                Erik was drawing people, too – Hugh, right across from him. As the tradition goes, you show the person your sketch of them, & they sign.

         Meanwhile, Hugh was far far away in Canyon de Chelly. What a wonderful rendition! He’s using water brush on pigment crayons.

          Jude also sketched the flowers on the table, using water soluble colored pencils. She has a lovely delicate touch. Elegant flowers!

          When Laura leaned back in her chair, she discovered she could see the old church steeple (a challenge!). Then she did what was around her.

             It’s always so fun to see what Bev will find to include on her pages, with a nice design strategy having the flowers reach across the page.

            Lealan came a little late, but wasted no time in getting the marker pens working to capture the vibrancy of the flowers on the table.

            Remember Lona’s red page last week? It’s the background for her Christmas mouse! Red edges on the next page? No problem for her!

  • Sketching Experimentation Underway

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

    Nearly all – Erik, Hugh, Lealan, Daisy, Nancy, Marsha, Jim, Marny, Helga, Barb So., & Serge. Ken, Lona, Jude, Bev & Jane were there, too.

          Daisy & Ken at one end of the room, Serge and Marsha at the other end. Sometimes we’re focused on our task, sometimes we share tips.

         Here Hugh shares the effect of wax crayons on black paper, then Lealan explains how she uses Tombow markers to layer color.

            Erik often sketches images from the photo files in his memory, but today he sketched what was in front of him – a tea bag! WOWZA.

         Jude came by to share a sketch – what’s next? Go darker! She also brought some snowberries, which Bev enjoyed sketching.

            Bev is so adept at capturing images around her – holiday decor, people an nearby tables, and the intricate decor above Café Glendi!

            Jane is a newbie at using black paper, so she was conscientious about labeling the tools she used, & loved the simple effect for snowberries.

            Lealan says that well after a year of exclusive use of Tombow markers , she thinks she’s about figured them out – next? Using water?

              Daisy has been carrying her sketchbook with her when she goes to holiday events. Question – how to make things pop? Negative space!

            Ken is always experimenting – here with pages he’s put frames on or washes of color for background. Then a former student stopped by!

           Lona brought a copy of her book for Ken to see (to his enjoyment), then did multi-layers of red watercolor for her next background.

            Marny was intrigued by the photo of the interweaving pods, used a page to test colors and shades, then a colored background – success!

            Jim’s sketchbook is a collection of  vignettes – often images from the cafés he frequents (including a metal wall – wow!) or from magazines.

            Helga had some color & hue tests on a page, then sketched the soffit of a nearby café and gave it perspective by adding a person – yeah!

              Barb did a delightful watercolor sketch of her coffee and muffin, and then included Marsha in a red chair on the other side of the table.

            Serge departed from his usual black & white ink sketching to do some sketches in loose watercolor, then added ink. Fascinating effect.

            Marsha made a test grid of her colored pencils so she could compare brands. Her favorite on black paper? Faber Castell. Nice pigment.

            Nancy, Marsha’s sister visiting from Maine, fit right in with the group, doing watercolor sketches of people around her, including Erik!

          Hugh shared one of his angled page sketches, then applied the idea to what was in front of him. He’s using waterbrush to crayon, then page.

    It was a great sketching day together!

  • Sketching amid the Holiday Decor

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

    Laura, Jude, Jim, Bev, Marsha, Barb So, Erik & Hugh.

              Lona, Katie, Daisy; Barb So, Barb Sh, Marsha, Jude, Jim; Marny, Helga.

             Barb So showed us her 3D sketchbook, then added a sketch of Barb So and Erik across the room. We all may show up in her book soon!

             Barb So put washes of watercolor on her page before hand, and then began populating the page with what she saw around her. So fun!

                Bev started out with the ceiling light, moved onto the hanging holiday lights, adding color and moving on to sketch a reindeer decoration.

               Daisy dutifully sketched her treats before tackling on the wall ahead.

            Erik & Marsha were the earliest here, so chatted before sketching. Here’s the beginning of Erik’s sketch of walking the dog (I can relate).

              Laura was curious about Hugh’s technique on black paper. Didn’t he do a stunning job sketching his Danish! Interesting effects on black.

               Like Bev, Jane tried sketching the ceiling lamps and decorative lights hanging down – but how do you make them sparkle on white paper?

            Jim’s eye was caught by the ceramic wall tiles and beyond, and then he started sketching an intriguing historical building from a magazine.

               Jude had a great time sketching holiday decor on her black paper – using toned paper is quite interesting, and more people are curious.

              Katie found the tree branch that Lona brought in to be a challenge worth doing, and didn’t it turn out excellently! Nice work.

              Laura really enjoyed sketching the slightly wonky Christmas tree on display in the corner – she sure captured the whimsy of it!

           Lona also brought some Christmas tree ornaments, and couldn’t resist sketching this little Christmas mouse – what a clever little guy.

             Marny started the Christmas tree sketch by doing the lights & ornaments first, then the ribbon, and the foliage last. It worked!

              Here’s how Marsha’s view of the Christmas tree developed, and she’s heeding Ken’s advice: go darker! This is going to be spectacular.