Author: Marsha McCloskey

  • Let’s Put on a Show!

    Gallery at the Watershed, Eugene, Oregon

    We’re getting ready for an exciting show of travel sketches at the Gallery at the Watershed, 321 Mill #6, from Dec. 16 through Jan. 17, 2015.  Our formal opening & holiday party is slated for Dec. 19, 6-8 p.m.  Today we were busy getting the show of 67 pieces of work from artists all over the world who have worked with Ken O’Connell. Here’s what the process looked like:

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    First we unpacked containers and started laying out all the pieces.

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    Amy Isler Gibson held the ladder steady while Daniel Odegaard adjusted hangers on the hanging wires; Ken O’Connell adjusted the levels of Mike Maszk’s art pieces.

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    Robert Canaga had the layout vision, and Mike Maszk installed D rings for hanging on the gallery’s special hanging system.

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    Daniel hangs Erik Johnson’s work. Here’s what the pics on the sofa from above look like on the wall.

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    Robert and Mike confer about picture placement, then Mike does the high wire act to move the hanging wires so they’re straight.

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    Ken confers with Amy about the website catalog while Robert takes a reviving drink of water. But it’s not over yet – Amy has to tuck the hanging wire “tails” behind pictures, put up labels, make sure the pictures are all level, remember to sweep the floor, and the list goes on!

  • Things That Hold Still

    Full City Coffee/Palace Bakery, Eugene, OR

    Well it wasn’t exactly the scene of a crime, but it was the scene of the first art show of our sketch work.  And today featured our great preference for sketching things that HOLD STILL.

    IMG_5178Jane quickly did a sketch of the coffee bean poster outside the window, while Erik got serious about architecture lines.

    IMG_5179    IMG_5180When a few more folks showed up, we moved to the other room.  Here are Sandy, Erik (with the view he started with – the trees outside the window frame), Heidi, & Barb Sommers.

    IMG_5181     IMG_5183Sandy was able to get a whole sketch done of the guy having coffee in the window, while Heidi did a sketch of her – don’t move!

    IMG_5184     IMG_5185Now you can see Erik’s trees through the window sketch as it has developed, as well as Jane’s tiny palette which she used to sketch this tasty pastry (which has mysteriously disappeared).

  • Pausing Prior to Holiday Frenzy

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR.

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    Erik chats with Heidi’s husband, Paul, and then Penelope pops in.

    3    4Sandy is excited to show a photo of her new great-grandson, then Barbara Sommers, Heidi, Barbara Shirk & Erik get started.

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    Here’s what Heidi has been doing lately!

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    Penelope’s progress, and Barbara Sommers’ (a yarn challenge!).

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    WHAT are you drawing with, Barb?! Barbara Shirk discovered the Pininfarina, a tool that oxidizes paper!  Cool, except it doesn’t erase.

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    Erik started with his usual Crayon d’Arche tools, then resorted to borrowing Penelope’s watercolor to get just the “right” green – Sap!

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    Sandy sketches what’s in front of her (what restraint) – ta dah!

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    Heidi sketches a pot outside, and Penelope her own palette.

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    Jane picked up some new ornaments – OMG.  Got better with color.

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    Barbara Sommers and Barbara Aten tried their hands at them, too.

  • Lantern light up

    Perugino’s, Eugene, OR


    Barbara Shirk brought Chinese Lanterns from her garden, and we all fell to, sketching them in various mediums.

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    Patti McNutt, Erik Johnson, Sue Ashton, Barb Shirk, Sandy Larkin

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    Carol Schaafsma stopped by to see what Sue was doing.

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    Here’s Patti’s preliminary sketch, and then Erik’s.

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    Barb Shirk’s drawing, and then Sandy’s.

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    Jane sketched her cookie & coffee before she did the lanterns.

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    You can see Barb Aten’s technique from pencil outline, to wet on wet watercolor, with the near final version below.




  • What’s in Front, Now & Then

    Market of Choice Coffee Shop, Willakenzie, Eugene, OR


    Barb Shirk, Barb Aten, & Sandy Larkin all listen  to Ken the guru.


    It was a large group cozied up in a small space – around the table starting at the top left: Barb Shirk, Barb Aten, Barb Sommers, Sandy Larkin, Carol Schaafsma, Ken O’Connell, Penelope Youngfeather, Heidi Sachet, Rita Cavin, and Jane Harrison behind the camera.


    Ken only gets so much attention, and then people get to  sketching!

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    We do sketch what’s in front of us – here’s a “then” sample – Barb Shirk in Assisi, Barb Sommers in her backyard.

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    And here’s a “now” – Heidi sketching an olive branch from the brochure about La Romita (where she’s going in Sept. 2015!).

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    Penelope picks out pastry – put in red, Ken says! YUMMY!

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    Rita’s “now” is her hand in front of her, and here’s her red, too!

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    Carol starts sketching her cup, and Sandy does some nearby faces.

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    The warm color of the overhead lights catch Jane’s eye.

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    Barb Shirk sketches the cement pillars outside, with vines, and then adds color for the trees beyond them.

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    Then the finalé – Rita poses with Ken to show off the two pieces done in Europe which she’s entering in the upcoming “World Sketches by Ken O’Connell and Fellow Travelers”  show at the Watershed Gallery, December 16-January 18.  Be sure to come to the Reception and Holiday Party: Friday, Dec. 19, 6-8 p.m.