Nearly all of us – Katie & Richard, Eva & Laura, Gail, Barb Sh, Marsha, Channing, Danita, Jim, Bill (Jane behind the camera, Hugh & Sandy in Idaho!)Jim & Bill welcome Richard. Bill’s sketches, Jim’s. Wonder if Hugh & Sandy are sketching?And here came a text from Hugh & Sandy, sketching at Albertsons in Meridian, Idaho!Katie introduces newcomer Richard to Jim, BIll, BarbSh, then adds to her sketch – wow!BarbSh is always gracious in sharing her process – water soluble ink, water brush! Wow.Oh look! Colette’s joined us, finishing her hand painted Christmas cards – simply lovely.Laura’s at her table, too, taking a distance view from the loft to the ceiling of the market!Marsha, across from her, starts doing portraits. Empty space? Add more portraits!Eva looks around, & starts portraits, too – now what? Maybe you’re done, said Jane.Gail has yet another perspective to draw the people in front of her – adding colored pencil.Channing uses a sharpened stick dipped in oak gall, & watercolor on the downstairs view.Danita chats with Marsha, then does a low cal version of the baked good downstairs!Jane ran around with camera in hand, did a line sketch, then started to watercolor.Richard, a sketchbook novice, gets materials & strategies info from the crew. Nice sketch!