Category: Uncategorized

  • Sketching at 5th Street Market and Zoom

    Sketching at 5th Street Market and Zoom

    Zoom #126

  • 5/9 at Da Ra and Zoom

    5/9 at Da Ra and Zoom

    Zoom #125

  • Jane Sanford Harrison

    Jane Sanford Harrison

    May 10, 2023


    Jane has moved on to the next great adventure. She passed early this morning comfortably and with loved ones at her side. Thank you all for your years of friendship and support for our mom!


    Jim and Sean Smith

    Gratitude Sketches for Jane

    Here are some of the images Jane’s sketching group, the Top Drawers, created in sketchbooks for Jane’s Gratitude Memorial Party (February 5, 2023). There were many written sentiments as well. As Jane was still with us for the party, she got to see them all.

    Jane published a book of her gratitude sketches. You can find it on Blurb;

    A Year of Daily Gratitude Sketches by Jane Sanford Harrison | Blurb Books

  • Sketching Together & Zoom

    Sketching Together & Zoom

    Zoom #124

  • Visitors and Zoom

    Visitors and Zoom

    Top Drawers welcomed visitors this week.

    Zoom #12