Category: Uncategorized

  • Sketching Together & Zoom

    Sketching Together & Zoom

    Zoom #122

  • Sketching at Da Ra with Jane & Zoom

    Sketching at Da Ra with Jane & Zoom

    Zoom #121

  • Drawing in Person and Zoom

    Drawing in Person and Zoom

    Jim Hinton’s Paintings at Soriah’s

    Zoom #120

    Many of us have been doing the lessons on Sketchbook Revival. Lots of stretching going on.

  • Tuesday Sketching and Zoom

    Tuesday Sketching and Zoom

    Some of us were at Barnes & Noble — others went to visit Jane.

    Zoom #199

    Some of us are following Sketchbook Revival this week.

  • Jim Hinton’s Show, DA RA Cafe, and Zoom

    Jim Hinton’s Show, DA RA Cafe, and Zoom

    Jim Hinton’s Show at Soriah’s.

    Sketching and Lunch at DA RA Cafe

    Zoom #118