Category: Uncategorized

  • Sketching at the 5th Street Market, Zoom and Jane’s Gratitude Celebration

    Sketching at the 5th Street Market, Zoom and Jane’s Gratitude Celebration

    It was a cold day. Sketchers stayed bundled up even though we were inside!

    Zoom #111

    Jane’s Gratitude Celebration

  • Barnes & Noble and Zoom

    Barnes & Noble and Zoom

    This week the Top Drawers went to Barnes & Noble again. A good winter hangout, it works well: enough tables, coffee, pastries and a wealth of interesting things in the store.

    Zoom #110

    Getting together to share the week’s sketches is important to us. Sometimes it’s more and sometimes less. We have members who live at the Oregon coast, in Idaho, and in California, as well as the Eugene-Springfield area. This week Tricia and BarbSo sent in sketches even though they could not join us on Zoom.

  • Barnes & Nobles and Zoom

    Barnes & Nobles and Zoom

    Our intrepid Jane joined the Top Drawers at Barnes & Noble last Tuesday. She was just recently out of the hospital, but didn’t want to miss a thing! We were delighted that her sons, Jim and Sean, could make it happen.

    Zoom #109

  • 5th Street Market & Zoom

    5th Street Market & Zoom

    We met this week at our favorite winter haunt. Upstairs at the 5th Street Market has parking, tables, chairs, coffee and pasties. And the Christmas decorations are still up. We’re good. Happy to be together.

    Zoom #108

    BItty’s Turkeys
  • 2023 Stamping Party at Jane’s & Zoom

    2023 Stamping Party at Jane’s & Zoom

    January 3 was the Top Drawers annual Stamping Party at Jane’s house. She has an extensive collection of rubber stamps, stencils and inks. Every year, she invites the group to her home prepare sketchbook pages with stamped imagery. This year she also generously offered to let each sketcher take home a few stamps! We obliged.

    Daisy did this drawing on her stamped page after she went home. The first page in a new sketchbook for the new year.
    Katie’s sketchbook cover!
    Stamped pages ready for sketching.

    Zoom #107