Apr. 29, 2022 – Camas Country Mill Bakery & Schoolhouse
BarbSo, Marsha, Bitty outside! The old Alvadore Schoolhouse. Pat, Danita, Kathy, Peggy, Daisy, BarbSo, Marsha inside. What a wonderful day.
Here’s what Bitty was doing outside – zowie!BarbSo was inside and outside – lovely sketches!Bitty stopped at the bakery to get a model- to sketch, of course.Kathy is new to our group, so Danita spent some time demonstrating. Nice!Jane was “making do” with her mini palette & splayed water brushes. Kathy was accustomed to using graphite – old skills coming back!Laura used the bright light from the window to illuminate her sketching.Marsha was so intent on sketching, and included a tulip entangle!Pat was determined to use her Italy paint palette – and applied it to Laura!Peggy said her goal was to get a variety of greens – success!
We’r e all in our places: Marsha, Jane (&Tutti), Peggy, Danita, Sandy, Hugh, Bev, Pat (& Jasmine), Bitty, BarbSo, Laura.Laura’s still being influenced by Sketchbook Revival – wonderful sketch!Well maybe it’s just a spring celebration, here by BarbSo.Bitty is celebrating being with musicians playing at Sam Bond’s. Super!Pat has officially finished her Taos sketches, and moved on to her garden. Nice work.Bev’s sketches show that spring has come to the Oregon coast, too!Hugh is grateful for welcoming nurseries and coffee shops – we are, too!Sandy’s hanging out out in some the same places Hugh is, fifferent views though.Danita is seriously getting ready for her trip to the southwest – zowie!Look what caught Peggy’s eye – nice texture for that velvety pansy!Jane says she’s done making friends with numbers now – fly away!Marsha’s not done with getting tangled up – what fun this sketch is!
Danita, Jane, Daisy, Peggy, Bev, Marsha, Tricia, BarbSo., Bitty, Laura, Hugh, Sandy, Pat.BarbSo. does another collage inspired by Sketchbook Revival, then ack to watercolor.Bev never strays very far away from her love for graphics – we love ’em, too!Bitty is in the field: Konza Prairie burned, unburned; prairie * oaks. Wow!Daisy decided she should document the flowers blooming in her neighborhood – great!From collage to family portraits – Danita’s work charms us.Hugh is still having a great time documenting gardens & coffee shops in Meridian, ID.Jane picked up on a trick from Sketchbook Revival – graphite & metallic watercolor – wow!Laura is finishing up on Sketchbook Revival lessons – wow! Zentangles!And speaking of entangle techniques = here’s the latest from Marsha!Pat is enjoying going back to her photos from New Mexico for inspiration – lovely!Peggy’s finiding inspiration in the neighbor’s garden – wow , great rocks!Sandy interspersed her garden sketches with a bird sketch (shat she does so well).Tricia loves doing double page spreads – click on each one to see the details!
Marsha, Jane, Peggy, Danita, BarbSo, Bev, Hugh, Laura, Pat, Sandy, Daisy.Marsha is busy celebrating Spring, and a line drawing, too!Jane’s still playing with numbers – she plans on stopping at 9, however.Danita’s finishing up her sketches inspired by Sketchbook Revival. Wow!BarbSo;s light hand with watercolor is perfect for Spring!Bev is finishing up work from Sketchbook survival, too – lovely graphic effects.Hugh is back to sketching what he sees around him – near Boise Idaho!Laura’s work is inspired by Sketchbook Revival, too.Pat’s sketches are all inspired by her sketch trip to Taos, New Mexico. Vey lively!SAndy’s back in the coffee shops near her in the Boise area – charming!after a quick neighborhood flower survey, Daisy was back in Taos with a final sketch of what she called a “Sound Map” of what she heard from her room there! WOW.
Sketchbook Revival is a free series of short presentations designed to jump start your creativity. Many of the Top Drawers participated in it this year to varying degrees depending on their interest levels.
April 1, 2022, TD Zoom #68
Here’s who showed up to share their work from this past week: Marsha, Jane, Hugh, Pat, Danita, Barb So, Peggy, Daisy, Sandy, Bev, Laura, & Bitty.Bitty was totally oblivious to Sketchbook Revival, because she was out in the field (so to speak), busy recording what she saw. Lovely watercolors! Laura, on the other hand, was seriously into SR, from collage to finding characters in blobs of watercolor on the page – she got into it with zest!Bev couldn’t resist doing a local scene sketch, then got into the SR prompts, too. Fun!Meanwhile, Sandy is still busy capturing local scenes in the Boise area – enchanting! Here are some scenes from Hugh’s viewpoints.Back to Sketchbook Revival prompts – Daisy had a blast with them!Peggy is still out communing with the trees, which get better each time. Way to go!BarbSo enjoyed doing the prompts, too, even the lovely ballerina.Danita decided she didn’t like her first person-with-dog, so she tried it again & again!Meanwhile, Pat was still back revisiting scenes from the Taos sketch trip – charming!Jane was totally off in her own world of playing with numbers.
Marsha claimed she didn’t have anything publishable, but the webmaster disagrees.