Lynda, Eva, BarbSh, Katie, Bitty, BarbSo, Peggy, Danita, Marsha, Laura.BarbSh brought her LaRomita memory book entry, demoed using a plastic lid palette.BarbSo had a page with Hugh’s carved stamp, sweet portrait of Laura & elf friend.This was a change for Bitty – Caran de Ache crayon portraits on black paper – nice!Danita did a close up in her big sketchbook of what was in front of her!After downing her coffee, Eva looked over her left shoulder to sketch the plant below.When not taking photos, Jane looked the other way to sketch the Duck flag.What a combo – Katie sketched her scone, and Laura across the aisle.And here’s Laura sketching her little elf friend – what a cutie!After some deliberation, Lynda chose a challenging view to sketch.Marsha was on a portrait kick, too, white crayon & pencil on black papger – wow!Peggy made the most of her view out the window – just wait til she adds color to this!Surprise, Helga’s back! And Katie brought Channing Rudd, a newcomer to town & Emerald Vally Art Center, to see what we’re all about. Welcome!
Nov. 23, 2021 – Maude Kerns Art Center, Eugene, OR
Eva, Colette, (2 outside admirers), Peggy, LyndaKatie, Laura; Marsha, Katie, Peggy, Eva, Lynda, Colette (Jane behind camera, Bitty left early). Note open door for ventilation.Lynda brought her friend Colette, who was happy to get back to drawing; Lynda, too!Daisy is our stand-up artist, and had a good time sketching the Frida K. inspirations.I really admire the way Eva is diving into her lovely art – no how do you mix brown?Jane peers down at Daisy’s books of sketches, gets a rough draft done, finishes at home.Katie is so intent on her focus of the “Otter Boat” – so delightful to see.Laura was into the photography, well, except the for charming rat! Nice work.Marsha captured the whole scene from the stage – now what – water on the TUL ink!You’ll have to keep coming back to see Peggy’s finished work – oh, those sculptures!
We had to have treats, because it’s a good by party for Hugh & Sandy, too, with Lealan, Marsha, Laura; the studio setup for eager carvers; Hugh, Lynda, Lealan, BarbSo, Sandy.And here’s how the thing unfolded – lots of pre-planning. Most important thing when you begin carving? DON’T CUT YOURSELF! No bandaids were necessary, however. Ha!Center photo of Lealan’s dyed silk scarf – mushrooms!Laura exclaims; Michael & Hugh take a break; demos of hand exercises!And to prove that we’re sketchers, Daisy actually did a sketch of the dog’s toys!
Overhead heaters were still in the process of being connected – Brrrrr. Bitty, Lynda, Eva, Gail, Laura, Marsha. Bill & Jim were at the far end, but bailed for heat at 5th St. Market, followed by a quick exit by Bitty, & a segue to the baby boutique for mittens for Jane.Here they are – Bill & Jim, capturing what they see & think about.Laura stopped by to check in with the guys, then on to capture some vignettes around.Lynda was looking back In her sketchbook – how did she make the color splash? Was it an airbrush using a Copic marker. or Ranger Distress Spray???Danita, Bitty, Laura, Marsha, DaisyDanita’s view of the alley, then Daisy’s, & Marsha’s. Tough perspective challenge!Eva finished her rooster, & did a great sketch of Gail who was sketching the art gallery.BarbSh was getting graphic with scratchboard – reminded us of Erik’s work!Speaking of graphic, Jane was totally focused on signage at Gordon Alley – what fun!
Daisy, Peggy, (Jane’s spot), Gail, Sandy, Penny, BarbSh, BarbSo, Bitty, Hugh, Eva downstairs doing the rooster yet again!Daisy was fascinated with the tiled roof at the new Supreme Bean burrito place!The outdoor pots drew Peggy’s attention. Nice job, too!Jane deliberated on what goes in which little frame – saved by Allan Bros. sticker!Katie nailed that red chair (chairs are SO difficult!), nice autumn feel to these pages.Gail took time from drawing the coffee grinder at Allan Bros to show us her final rooster!Penny’s view of the coffee shop included different items Sandy did a self portrait, projecting out onto the patio outside – wow!Barb Sh added context to last week’s drawing, had one of her dogs, too!BarbSo’s sketch included a ginkgo leaf – such a vivid spot of fall.Hugh’s sketches ranged from colorful landscape to quick people sketches – Nice!Bitty is applying what she’s learned about landscapes to doing portraits! Way to go!Eva was determined to get that rooster to submit to her vision of it – well done!