BarbSh, Jane, Hugh, Jim, Billl; Peggy, Bitty, Marsha, Sharon, Danita; Eva, Gail, Lynda.BarbSh combined a bunch of Inktober sketches in one sketch! Next she tackled Hugh.Jane begins a sketch on the theme of Swifty the rooster sculpture in the fountain.Hugh’s sketching Halloween decorations – they’re everywhere!Jim hurried back from Portland to sketch with us, & choose very tricky building angles.Bill started making a goodby card for the Larkins, ending with his self-portrait!Sandy & Hugh are on the same wavelength – Halloween decoration!Bitty’s bringing her loose watercolor landscape technique to the market views!Jane uses a different frame orientation, and sketches the rooster, too.Peggy has another viewpoint on the rooster – nice framing!Sharon, with yes, another angle on the rooster!Danita did the rooster, and the whole scene shebang!Lynda sketched the rooster and that challenging varied angle fountain – wow.Eva got up close and personal with the rooster, using chalk and water brush.Gail focused on the design elements in the rooster, and repeating railing design.Daisy was too there, but didn’t get past the giant pumpkin carving at the entrance!
We’re at the two tables on the right: Marsha, Daisy, Peggy, Danita, Lynda (Jane at camera).Marsha sketched two of the sketchers, then on to a colorful floral arrangement.Daisy stood where she could get a good view of the market tower & logo – nice job!BarbSo popped in for a quick sketch of the vibrant flower baskets on the railing.Peggy included the framed windows on the next floor up – wonderful red complement.Jane’s photo courtesy of Peggy. Wonder what her finished work will look like?Danita’s really enjoying using her large sketchbook – Lotts of colorful detail here!Lynda had some great sketches from Eastern Oregon, & today included clothing too!
Sandy, Nancy, Marsha, Jim; Eva, Sandy, Jim, Pat, Nancy, MarshaSandy is a birder, and really enjoys sketching her finds, too.Hugh’s decked out for the cold, sketching a sketchers in the corner of the shelter.Nancy, Daisy, Sandy. Nancy had fun with trees – such a nice park.Daisy too most of the photos today, showed off her new quilt, and sketched, too!Gail, Lynda, Eva. Here’s Lynda doing a pencil sketch.Gail showed her finished sketch of Lynda from last week, then. this week’s sketch.Eva keeps working with pastels and water brush, pushing to get darks.Jim was far far away in Tibet!Marsha took some photos, sketched some sketchers,started in on her pumpkin quest.Pat counteracted the cold with glove-mitts, and a sketch with warm autumn colors!
Lynda, Nancy, Sandy, Hugh, Gail; Sandy, Hugh, Daisy, Eva, Gail, JaneDaisy said it took 3 tries to get this house right! Good job – this on is very tricky!Eva’s branching out in more ways than one!Gail sketched a sketcher – Lynda!Hugh didn’t just do the house, he took on the whole corner!!Jane faced the calligrapher’s nightmare – a misspelled name! Otherwise…Laura found a bench on the lawn with a different view, and even got the ducks overhead.Norma found a better spot to draw the complicated play structure.Nancy, the daughter of one of our founders Barbara Epplett, is here from Amsterdam!Peggy is playing with wet on wet watercolors to get depth & color – Nice!Sandy couldn’t resist the models in front of her – the sketchers!End of session review: Eva, Sandy, Lynda, Jane, lNancy, Hugh, Laura, Gail, Daisy – Peggy behind the camera, thanks!
Lynda, Tricia, Eva, Laura, Marsha, Daisy, Pat, Peggy (Jane behind camera) hanging out in the mostly empty greenhouses for shelter from the rain.Daisy said the horse didn’t hang out after she did have a treat, but the sketchers did!Eva finished her Oregon Trail wagon, on the the challenge of a white pumpkin!Jane saw a whole different view this time – the covered bridge & fields beyond.Laura braved the drippy walk overhang to put this sketch of the barn together – nice!Lynda discovered an additional perspective challenge in the boxes with the corner braces!Marsha is determined to see what the watercolor crayons can do – what a wet day.Pat was in the last greenhouse sketching the covered bridge, too. Nice scene details.Peggy was using the fudosenke brush pen with a delicate application of detail.Tricia had fun putting together a still life, including a bird house.It was hard to stop sketching to join the review before we left. Great day for sketching!