Category: Uncategorized

  • Zoom meeting

    Zoom meeting

    Rita, Jane, Peggy, Marsha, Bev, Danita, Daisy, BarbSo, Hugh, & Bitty.

  • Zoomers mugging it up

    Zoomers mugging it up

    More (or less) present: Marsha, Jane, Peggy, BarbSo, Daisy, Bitty, Rita, & Bev.

           Bev’s cat was taking over her sketches, until it came to her responding to Daisy’s “sketch all your mugs” idea – wowza!

           Barb So is a cat lover, too – they even appear in her mugs!

            Marsha’s love of her water soluble ink pen extends to mug sketches!

       Jane’s careful attention to detail went wonky in her mug sketches (done on a coffee filter with fountain pen in about 5 minutes!).

           Rita, just back from a family trip, scurried to join the mug challenge.

           Daisy, who started the sketch-your-mugs, is on to more collections!

       Peggy was too busy refining her sketch from Cortesia to do mugs.

       And Bitty was in a land far far away, totally mugless.



  • Zoomers Meeting

    Zoomers Meeting

    And the beat goes on…Marsha, Jane, Peggy, Daisy, BarbSo, Sandy & Hugh, Bev.  Rita & Bitty traveling but sketching, too!

          Marsha loves doing b&w ink sketches, but her flower arrangement was so wonderful she just had to do it again in color!

           You just never know what’s going to catch Jane’s sketching eye!

           Peggy completed her sketch from Emerald Art Center by adding  color to the paintings on the wall – gives them a nice pop!

       Daisy claims this group “makes” her be creative every week, but wow! Teapots, and mugs, and neighborhood palm trees, & feathers!  


          Here is Barb So’s finished sketch from the art center, then a little meditative sketch, and finally a scene from her neighborhood.

          Sandy’s “walking” sketches – her little sketchbook goes with her everywhere she goes, & captures what she sees!

           Talk about diversity of subject & style! Hugh keeps pushing himself: water soluble inks &  blending, Caran d’Ache crayons & blending!

           Bev’s cat saves the day (& the sketch)! What delightful images.

    This in from Rita on the road – the classic sketch of her art tools.

    And this from Bitty at the beach – oh don’t you wish you were there!

  • Zoomers Meet Up

    Zoomers Meet Up

    Marsha, Jane, Daisy, Bev, Hugh, Bitty. Even though Peggy couldn’t show herself, she was able  to show her work, and to talk with us.

           1st, Peggy’s sketch on site at Cortesisa, and then her 2nd version done at home. Very different effects, and both so well done.

          Marsha sure makes that TUL water soluble ink pen work for her, even on  note pad paper! The next three sketches from Cortesia.

           Jane says the begonia is from home, but the next 2 from Cortesia. The lilies were sketched at home on a dried used tea bag!

           Bev’s still in Brookings, but finding wonderful things to sketch, too.

           Daisy’s 1st sketch is from Cortesia, the others from home – what a fun & informative nature page  she’s sketched about bugs!

           Hugh’s definitely been out & about, travel journaling all the way!

         Bitty showed a sketch she’d done at Cortesia, then a series of sketches she did at the the coast focusing on the waves – nice!

         Surprise! Even though Rita couldn’t be here, she sent selections of sketches she’s doing for a book for a neighbor girl. So charming!

  • Zoom Meet-up

    Zoom Meet-up

    It’s been super hot this week, and several folks have family visiting, so we were a small group: Marsha, Jane, Peggy, BarbSo, Bev, Daisy.

          Daisy is still doing recipes, but she also attended the Nature Journaling Conference online, trying out new strategies. Super!

          Bev continues to chronicle life as she sees it in Brookings, OR.

          We always enjoy seeing the lovely sketches Barb So does.

          Peggy’s wet-on-wet work helped inform her later sketch!

    Jane’s been busy with other projects, so this is her only sketch.

    Marsha is getting very adept at her people sketches – Hugh & Sandy sketching, above; and below sketches of folks in a waiting room.