Category: Uncategorized

  • Zoom Meeting of TD Sketchers

    Zoom Meeting of TD Sketchers

    From the comfort of our own homes, zooming:

    Marsha, Jane, Barb So, Daisy, Rita, Laura, Hugh, Bev, Sandy, Bitty, Danita all signed in. It was nice to have Rita here from California.

          Barb So stepped out of her comfort zone using black paper, and to great effect! Way to go! Then a sweet ceramic cat in watercolor.

       Bev sketched the things around her – lemons on her tree in Brookings, forest detritus, and her blooming camellia.  Lovely.

       Bitty sketched things around her, too, including the Burchell’s Sandgrouse she saw on a field trip. Nice diversity of sketches!

       Daisy’s back skulking around her neighborhood continuing to capture holiday decorations. And she’s started a new quilt!      

    Danita waits until she’s finished a sketchbook before she does the first two entry pages – what a delightful sketch, as well as good  idea!

    Last page of Hugh’s sketchbook! It’s been a challenge to find views that use both pages, but he was determined and quite a success.

          Jane usually does daily gratitude sketches at about 3″, clustered on a 9″x12″ page, but the poinsettia sketch demanded more space! Hmm.

       Laura did a sketch of a table decoration from a friend, and Rita did a sketch of a friend’s previous house (& had to explain to owners!).

       Marsha started with a simple line drawing, then added “scribbles” using the Carbon Pen (pictured) and color to turn this into “WOW!”

         This guy’s puffy coat & mask hanging from his ear fascinated Sandy. The dogs belong to her grandson, & featured a birthday card for him.

  • Zoom – Winter & Holiday Themes

    Zoom – Winter & Holiday Themes

    Zooming from the comfort of our homes!

    Marsha, Jane, Danita, Laura, Bev, Daisy, Barb So, Hugh, & Bitty.

                 Daisy continues to add to her sketches of neighbor’s decorations.    

               Barb So stayed close to home with her sketches, including her dogs’ favorite new toy – a bright pink pig! Lovely sketches as always.

         Laura always makes felt ornaments for a group of friends who have gotten together at Christmas, & did a sketch of them this year, too.

          Jane does her small daily gratitude sketches on a 9″X 12″ detached sheets of paper, with varying success in sketch arrangement.

          Bitty did some sketching from a video demonstration about mushrooms, then showed us some evocative land & sea scapes.

         Danita continued to do documentation of the buildings on their property, and her husband Michael showed a sketch from his book in process tentatively called “Why Things Fall Down.”

            Marsha chose an old family favorite decoration to sketch; Hugh the old county courthouse; Sandy tried a new perspective for tea break.

  • Zoom – new discoveries

    Zoom – new discoveries

    Meeting from the convenience of our own homes, & glad to see one another: Marsha, Jane (who needs to remember to take screen shots instead of camera ones), Bev, Laura, Hugh, Katie, Sandy, Daisy, Danita, & Barb So.

          Last meeting there was an interest expressed in hand carved stamps, so Jane brought her carving materials, stamps, & samples of stamping used for images, backgrounds, and in collage.

       Barb So is experimenting with colored pencil on black paper – isn’t it delightful?  And Sandy has a new bird to bring to life, watercolor.

    Hugh continues to experiment with water soluble wax crayons on color tinted paper – gray paper here, book open to  landscape view.

        Daisy’s new venture is mapping her neighborhood and doing sketches of all the holiday decorations. A book is coming here!     

            Danita is sketching her neighborhood, too – her immediate neighborhood! Their house, discoveries on the ground, their yurt.

         Katie is getting prepared for teaching another zoom watercolor class, so this is to demonstrate the development of a sketch.

             Marsha keeps refining her skills, first with an ink & watercolor of holiday decorations, then an iPad sketch of a guy on tv.  Great!

        And Laura’s discovering one of the strategies of a home-bound sketcher: sketch from photos! Fun lighthearted approach.


  • Zoom Sharing of Sketches – FUN!

    Zoom Sharing of Sketches – FUN!

    3rd Zoom Meeting

    Marsha, Jane, Laura, Danita, Hugh, Sandy, Daisy, & Katie.

              Jane was happy to report that she’d found a paper that would scan white on her scanner – Bee! A page of daily gratitude sketches, then the next sketch on the back side, which buckled a bit due to water.

    Hugh captured the rebel tree among those with leaves on ground.

        Laura sketched what was in front of her at a friend’s house, & Sandy captured her breakfast this morning! Both charming sketches.

      Daisy & Katie were getting into the holiday spirit – Daisy sketching in her neighborhood, and Katie doing the advent candles.


    Danita got into using rubber stamps with her sketches. First ones that are commercial, and lastly one truly done by hand. She used thick watercolor for the stamps, which seemed to work well.


    Meanwhile, Bev had difficulty getting into the Zoom meeting, but sent her sketches to share with us all. Next time she’ll be with us.

  • Zoom Adds Scope to Sharing

    Zoom Adds Scope to Sharing

    2nd TD Zoom meeting

    Here are the folks who shared this Zoom meeting: Marsha, Jane, Hugh, Barb So., Daisy, Bev, Sandy, Bitty, Danita, & Laura.

            Barb So. and Sandy took that advice of “sketch what’s in front of you” to heart! Makes you wish you were there, too.

           Here are vignettes from Bev’s new abode. We all got a kick out of her pre-stamped dotted page that she used to sketch her lemons.

    Ken couldn’t make it to the meeting, but sent a sketch he just did.

    Danita took a step outside her door – she’s surrounded by woods!    

            Daisy went to the members’ show at Maude Kerns, but unhappy with colored pencils being so light, she went home & tried again!

    Bitty shared a favorite view, perfect for wet on wet watercolors!

    While Hugh was out walking, this view of the US Court House caught his eye – quite a challenge with curving metal, odd angles!

         Jane has been frustrated with getting her daily sketches to scan as white paper. New hot press paper is thin, buckles with water, has markers showing through. Thank heaven for PhotoShop, she says.

           Marsha has two favorite neighbors who walk together. She did a preliminary sketch but wanted to go further, so took it to class:

          They used frisket resist in class, and she was urged stop stop here.

          But Marsha wanted more color & details, so she started over at home. The thing we noted was how she kept the gestural effects so lively & true in each of them! Which one do you prefer?