Category: Uncategorized

  • Trial Zoom Meeting for TD Sketchers

    Trial Zoom Meeting for TD Sketchers

    Zooming from home, wherever you are! This is our antidote to being in lockdown because of the virus numbers going up.

    Marsha (the host), Jane, Bev, Daisy, Barb So, Bitty, Hugh, Sandy,
    Danita. We had a lot to learn, & Marsha was a good teacher!

          Here are our screen shares by: Marsha, Jane, & Sandy, all on the Thanksgiving theme.

            Barb So and Bitty were thinking about food, too. Wonder why…

          Bitty had another from Willow Creek. Danita had two versions from recent travels, and Bev joined us from Brookings with great trees!

     Hugh had us laughing – perfect subject for a 2 page spread!

    Daisy (one of the quilters in the group) says she can do two of these every zoom meeting – she only needs 90 for a quilt. NINETY!!!

    We’re definitely going to try this again!

  • Last Outdoor Sketching for Awhile

    Last Outdoor Sketching for Awhile

    Oakway Center Courtyard, Eugene, OR

    Starting Nov. 18, Oregon is going on Covid lockdown, so we won’t be trying to meet outside until things calm down. We’ll miss us!

    Nearly all of us: Hugh, Bitty, Marsha, Laura, Barb Sh, Peggy, Jim.

               Jane (with pork tacos from Johnny Ocean), Barb Sh, & Bitty.

          Daisy on her feet moving around, Jim, Laura.

          Marsha sketching on her iPad, Peggy, & Sandy.

         Hugh checking to see where Sandy is, and his two page spread. Wow

          Barb’s tree from last week – great bark texture! And this week’s tree, surrounded by her journaling about the day (must print out to read!)

          Bitty remarked how much she was enjoying sketching in the 3 color sketchbook we got for a workshop that didn’t happen due to Covid.

          Daisy’s getting fast on her feet! She was layering colored pencil to get the right shade of green. Great sketch with wine colored ink!

          Jane’s pretty fast on her feet, too, taking photos & still squeezing in time to do some sketches of the decor around the courtyard.

          Jim got color on his sketch from last week, started a new one of cars, but then back to the former sketch – must go darker!

           Like many of us today, Laura’s eye caught on the decorated lamps – but hers were front and center! Nice addition of the oak leaf, too.

       Marsha is getting quite adept at using her iPad for sketching (here she caught Daisy sketching in the courtyard).

             After succumbing to the lure of the decorated lamp, Marsha was back to sketching people – first the outline, then the color.

            Peggy did a detailed ink drawing of the tree, then a loose application of watercolor. What next to draw? Well, the decorated lamp!

          Sandy’s default is to draw people – no noses in these masked sketchers to deal with!  Marsha, Peggy, Barb Sh, & Jane.

  • Masked Sketchers Search for Shelter

    Masked Sketchers Search for Shelter

    Morse Family Farm, & Tugman Park, Eugene, OR

    Finding shelter from the elements is getting more difficult with competing groups. We started here: Bitty, Laura, Sandy, Barb Sh, Peggy, Marsha. Jane behind camera, Jim yet to arrive. 1 hour here.

          Barb Sh, Bitty sketching outside, Jane taking pics in the wind.

             Marsha, Jim, & Peggy took advantage of the shelter – nice option.

       Sandy & Laura sketched outside until the rain brought them in.

       Barb Sh started sketching with her non-dominant hand to assure a loose approach. Come back next week for the water application!

       Speaking of water, Bitty prefers to do direct watercolor sketching. She’s been gone, and said it was great to get back into sketching.

          Jane took on the still smoldering fireplace with all its odd angles.

          Marsha sketched it from a slightly different angle, &  colored pencil.

         Jim started with the view from the shelter, then from a travel mag.

          Peggy had space on a previous page, so incorporated this view, too.

       Laura was looking into the woods, started watercolor & rain started.

          Sandy was looking across the street, & finished her sketch at home.

    Then the rain came, & the next group, so some of us went to Tugman.

            Jim finished his sketch, & Peggy sketched another tree – evergreen!

                   Laura finish watercoloring the Morse sketch, & started a new tree.

            A kid in a frog rain suit caught Jane’s eye, & moms & kids under tree.

  • Electing to Sketch on Election Day

    Electing to Sketch on Election Day

    Oakway Mall Courtyard, Eugene, OR

    It was predicted to rain so at first the sketching was cancelled, and then Peggy sent out a message that she was going to Oakway Mall to sketch, come on over! So the ever flexible sketchers followed along.

       The kind waiter from Johnny Ocean offered to take a photo of all of us – Laura, Sandy, Hugh, Marsha, Barb Sh, Jane, Peggy; Jane, Barb Sh, Laura, Hugh Sandy, Marsha (Peggy got cut off in the last photo).

          Jane’s careful planning went awry (all calligraphers can empathize, see photo #2). She had to be inventive to “fix” it! Fun sketch anyway.

       Barb’s ongoing sketch journal of her life got something to add to the hand on her page – acorn caps! Come back to see more story added.

          It’s so interesting to see how Laura’s tree sketch evolved, complete with color and closeup of one of the leaves around us in abundance.

       Sandy chose the always popular “sketch the sketchers!” She’s really getting skilled at catching the gestural study of us all.

       Hugh is always being innovative – white & black ink on gray paper. He and Sandy have such fun sketching together – nice sketches!

          Marsha enjoys sketching people, too –  captive models at lunch were perfect for the event, & leaf sketches added to the ambience.

          Peggy chose the biggest tree in the courtyard, wondering aloud how she could represent the moss and licorice ferns – more ink to come.

       Then look who showed up and did a demo of using Conte crayon – Ken! We all gathered around to see what he was doing. Wow.

  • Chill Chicks Sketching

    Chill Chicks Sketching

    Norma Pfeiffer Park, Coburg, OR

    Yes, is was cold at the park. We were all bundled up, but none of us stayed there the whole allotted time! Where’s coffee & heat!

          Guess you’ll have to take my word for it that this is Katie. She did the frame, sketched a song and house, painted the flag & went home!

           Daisy standing; Peggy sitting, deciding she needed a spot of red, so the white lantern across the way transformed. She used glitter pens.

          Daisy was in the bright winter light sketching people, then got intrigued with the maple seed “wings” and had fun with them.

          Jane took on the whole scene across the street – challenging architecture, and every blade of grass. When will she learn.

           Laura turned the other way and focused on a pine tree – it’s not exact,  but “as inspired by!”  Ink, water brush on colored pencil.

          Tricia was looking at a different tree scene. The chilly weather didn’t keep her from loose watercolor sketching – what fun!

       Look who stopped by for show & tell! Sandy & Hugh! Sweet.

       Here’s the people sketch Daisy did of us, & Jane’s with watercolor.

          And here are the nearly finished sketches by Laura, Peggy, & Tricia.

    After which we unanimously decided to move the time for our outside sketching meetings to afternoons, in hope for warmth!