Category: Uncategorized

  • Back at the Park in Coburg, Sketching of course

    Back at the Park in Coburg, Sketching of course

    Norma Pfeiffer Park, Coburg, OR

    Another beautiful day for sketching in the park – Peggy (behind the tree leaves), Sandy, Hugh, Marsha, Daisy (Jane behind camera).

          Here’s Peggy! She really got into the detail of the neighborhood scene, and what a difference ink makes!

          Jane discovered that her two water soluble inks (brown & turquoise) when blended with a water brush make green! What fun.

    Sometimes it’s hard to tell what Marsha and Daisy are doing, when the conversation revolves around quilting…

          Daisy’s found a great combination – sketching on what will become quilt blocks! And she still makes time for some loose watercolor.

       Marsha is back to colored pencil (which she uses so well), and says “It’s not done yet!” Colored pencil does take time – check back.

          Hugh focused on his iPad today, using both his right and left hands – can you tell? A shaggy dog (Jane’s Tutti) made a perfect model.

          Whatcha doin’, Sandy? Sketching Tutti, but he won’t stay still! So she ended up with a whole collection of “gestural” sketches of him.

          Sandy shows her sketches to the model, who seems vaguely interested. OK, now, let’s pose for the camera!

    And it’s time for show & tell – Peggy, Hugh, Daisy, Marsha, Sandy. (Tutti on the ground, Jane behind the camera.) What a nice day.

  • We discover a great park for sketching!

    We discover a great park for sketching!

    Norma Pfeiffer Park, Coburg, OR

    We’d planned to meet at the Pavilion, but adjacent to it was this great park with tables! Above: Daisy, Helga, Marsha, (Tutti), & Laura.

          First the check in & catch up – Marsha with Helga, then Laura.  Daisy tried the great new gold pigment by Fine Tec that Laura brought.

          What caught Marsha’s eye? A charming house across the street behind a huge tree. And she’s back to colored pencils – so delightful.

           Helga looked the other way across the street, intrigued by a trellis covered with sweet peas. Quite a perspective challenge.

          Laura’s become a daily sketcher (great way to build skill). The play equipment here was overwhelming – she got those swings swinging!

          Daisy has one sketchbook just for watercolor ( getting loose!). She took on the challenging play equipment, too. Nothing regular here!

          Jane did a bit of everything, using the Tombow fudenosuke brush pen, and TWSBI fountain pens with water soluble ink – Color Verse “Coffee Break,” and Robert Oster “Lake of Fire.”



  • Sketching at the Sanctuary

    Sketching at the Sanctuary

    Cortesia Sanctuary, Eugene, OR

    We cherished our time sketching at Tricia’s – sketch review by Helga, Satoko, Daisy, Laura, Tricia, Marsha (Jane behind camera).

          Helga found an interesting spot in the garden – a view from one end, then a view from the other. She’s  enjoying doing them in graphite.

          Daisy’s in the garden, too, but she prefers to work with watercolor. She doesn’t even use any pencil before going to watercolor! Nice.

          Tricia’s a big picture gal, doing a two page spread, direct to watercolor, too.  But where’s the focal point, she muses….

          Jane does it all – pencil pre-sketch, ink (both water soluble and permanent), & watercolor from her tiny palette. Too much fun!

           Marsha is in the garden, too – trying wax crayon, then black ink lining for definition.  She even got a sketch in of…Laura!

          And here’s Laura. She does  ink sketches in the garden, then gores to wax crayon (which she says is a challenge in the warm sun!).

          Ta dah! Satoko! She loves sketching the trees with wet-on-wet watercolor. It sure works for her – what wonderful sketches.

  • Scattered Sketching at Pisgah

    Scattered Sketching at Pisgah

    Mt. Pisgah Arboretum, Eugene, OR

    We were pretty scattered around the place sketching at first.

          Here’s Katie getting set up while Barb Sh heads out for the hinterlands. Katie did such a sweet sketch of the landscaping.

          Marsha appreciated having the picnic table to spread out all her art tools. And didn’t she do a nice job of the dense forest view!

          Jane was looking at the pavilion beyond Marsha, and had fun exploring the effects of the water soluble ink in her new TWSBI pen.

          Peggy (with Sandy & Hugh beyond her) had a great set-up with the little folding travel table she’d made – super tree sketch, too!

          Hmm, Sandy seems to be thinking, then adds another layer of watercolor to her brush only sketch – look at those terrific trees!

          Hugh had a bit of an elevated point of view – that splash of roof color made a difference, as well as his wife’s colorful garb. Nice sketch.

          Laura made the most of the trees – both sitting in the shade of one, and capturing the grace of a limb & nearby nature. Sweet!

          Daisy had a terrific time sketching, first the tree branch, then… the hats we were all wearing! What a fun sketch for remembering us.

          Helga found a viewpoint in front of the old barn. She’s getting quite proficient at perspective, and this is a nice application of it.

          Then Tricia emerged from sketching on the river – what lovely sketches! She liked Barb Sh’s rubbings of the ceramic trail plaques.

          In addition to the rubbings, Barb Sh did a quick sketch of Helga with the trees in the background, then a barn sketch with her left hand!

    Here we are gathered for the show & tell – Peggy, Daisy, Helga, Laura, Marsha, Katie, Tricia, Sandy & Hugh. (Barb Sh still sketching!)


  • Stalwart Sketchers Prevail

    Stalwart Sketchers Prevail

    Mt. Pisgah Aboretum, Eugene, OR

    Despite threatening rain & last minute cancellation, three of our sketch group made it to the designated sketch spot, only to discover the place overrun with kids. But that didn’t stop them.

            An employee told Peggy about the barn south of the buildings where we were going to meet, and she found a cozy sheltered spot.

    By the time Laura and Marsha got there, the weather had cleared a bit, and they were able to take advantage of the picnic table.

          Here’s Laura’s sketch of the park ambiance, Peggy with her sketch of nearby mossy trees, and Marsha’ sketch of a park building. Great!