Category: Uncategorized

  • A Market with Something for Everybody

    A Market with Something for Everybody

    Tuesday Farmers Market, Eugene, OR

       We were all over the place! Marcia, Barb Sh, Hugh, Katie, Daisy; Bitty, Lealan, Hugh, Sandy, Danita, Bev, Katie, Daisy.

         Daisy said, “Shopping first!” But then she joined in sketching with her pals – Marcia & Barb Sh.

    .      Lealan was of the “shop first” belief, too, then turned around and sketched the shopping scene.

          Marcia found plenty of people to sketch – delightful images!

          Barb Sh did a fun combination of a person reaching for veggies.

              Daisy started out with the green challenge of veggies, then want on to sketch some of the sketchers (always a ready source of models).

          Bitty brought her folding stool so she had more flexibility in sketch views – here a garden market with truck, then bicycle for two.

          Katie’s pushing variation in her frame format – will it work?  YES!

              After an aborted attempt at drawing a “skyline” of tent tops, Jane reverted to using the frame format. Ahhhh, much more manageable.

          Hugh zeroed in on a booth selling fruit – wonderful lively scene.

          Bev sketched a tie dyed clothing booth, and the people everywhere.

          Sandy saw the clothing booth from a different angle, and cat toys!

          Danita has that newly retired look, and enjoyed prowling around the market capturing little scenes of goodies all around.

  • Back Sketching at Cortesia

    Back Sketching at Cortesia

    Cortesia Sanctuary, Eugene, OR

                  We’re back exploring and sketching at Cortesia, while the resident cat keeps us under close supervision.

      Here’s nearly all of us, with the last person the variable: Bev, Daisy, Marsha, Lealan, Jane, Tricia – next photo Bill. The cat didn’t do pics.

       Liz left early so didn’t get in the group photo. Here’s what she was sketching, which also eluded photography in the bottom group shot.

          Bev was sketching the cabin door decor, then another scene caught her eye. Interesting use of negative space for dimension. It pops!

          Daisy courageously took on sketching a mosaic mirrored tile ball – how to do it, was the challenge. And it turned out well, too.

       Marcia was fascinated with all the plants in pots on the different levels of the deck in front of her – line drawing very nicely done

         Lealan is still having a great time using Tombow markers. They were certainly fitting for the flow of layered colors all around her here.

          Jane says that when you just can’t figure out what to draw in a big scene, resort to the frames format and do small focus items!

       Bill started out with a portrait sketch, then began a design for his son’s birthday card – what’s a salmon look like, anyway? Great!

       Tricia, our host, found time to complete two sketches – what a delight for her to be able to share her sanctuary in different forms.

    From the bottom left: Tricia, Tricia, Bev, Bill; top: Marcia, Daisy, Jane, and Lealan.  We thoroughly enjoyed being in this wonderful space!

  • Soaking up the sun while we have it!

    Soaking up the sun while we have it!

    Need Day Bakery/World Café, Eugene, OR

    Barb So, Erik, Serge, Marsha, Bev, Lealan, Laura (& a guy taking away one of our props!).  It was such a lovely day sketching together.

           The sun made photography challenging, so you’ll have to come back to see how sketches by Barb So and Erik turned out – more to come!

              Serge took a different sketch direction; not architecture, but a carved stump & foliage – nice! Also shown are watercolor sketches – he has an outline format, then tries different watercolor techniques.

          Marsha sketched others on the patio around her, then started adding context color with the dramatic acanthus leaves & blossoms.

          Sketches by Bev – she’s so quick (using Pitt pen and pencil), and sees so many interesting things. It’s a pleasure to see her sketches.

          Lealan did a sketch of people on the patio, too, here using charcoal. Then she was back with her favorite Tombo marker pens.

          Laura experimented by doing her initial outline sketch in PINK ink. Then she used colored pencils to bring it to life, even going dark!

          Marsha caught Jane in action. Here Jane used an Elegant Writer felt tip calligraphy pen (water soluble), then hit it with light watercolor.

  • Seeking Sketching Sanctuary

    Seeking Sketching Sanctuary

    Cortesia Sanctuary, Eugene, OR

         Here’s the house, and here’s the garden gate…

    And here are a lot of us, including Avery, Katie’s granddaughter!

          Marcia, Katie, and Tricia, all lined up. And here’s Tricia’s sketch of her garden, so lush and full of color (including color to come, she says).

          Katie had a pre-stamped image on her page, thought it would be a great background, and proceed to paint right over it. Yes!

       Avery has sketched with us (& her grandma) before, so she dove right in, sketching an arbor and the plants around it. Challenging!

          Marcia focused her attention on the little shelters in the garden, and got a lot of detail into her sketches, including color. Sweet.

          Bitty started by putting a sky wash down on her paper, then added the cabin & nearby plants, ending with the towering trees behind.

          Nobody does detail like Jim! He just kept adding details, refining them, and taking Ken’s advice “go darker!” Super job.

         Jane was trying toned (grey) paper, so different from her usual. She started with ink, added colored pencil, white gel pen, & brush pen.

           Lealan & Laura spent time chatting to catch up with one another, then Lealan disappeared into the tree – wow! Look at the light!

           Laura thoroughly enjoyed sketching the variety of flowers at the Sanctuary, especially the unusual foxglove. What a wonderful time.

    Here’s the sum of our efforts – nice variety of subject and treatment.
    Then we had a potluck lunch! Marcia, Tricia, Jim, Lealan, Jane, Bitty, Katie, Laura, with thanks to Avery on camera!

  • Gardening the Sketcher Way

    Gardening the Sketcher Way

    Owen Rose Garden, Eugene, OR

              OK, now that we’ve got that out of the way…there was also the

    GAZEBO! What a sketching challenge, and some got right at it:

    Marsha, Penny, Daisy

          Marsha found using a measuring straight edge to be helpful. Lovely!

         “Oh no! I’ve run out of paper!” Penny said. But we all encouraged her to just do part of it then, and she did.

          Jane actually resorted to using Satoko’s “thumb on a pencil” relative measurement system, and it worked pretty well.

              Daisy faked us out – she wasn’t drawing the gazebo at all, but rather the rose trellis arches – lovely capture of the day’s spirit.

    Bitty, Lona, Bill & Jim found a place in the shade to draw. It was hot.

            Bitty loved being in the midst of the roses (lovely wet on wet sketch), but couldn’t resist a quick gazebo sketch as seen beyond them.

         Lona brought her own warmth to a watercolor sketch of the roses!

        Bill was adding color to his people sketches from a recent tour. He did some great gestural studies – just imagine what was going on.

        Jim has decided he wants to develop his people drawing skills. So who did he choose for his first victim…uh, model…? Bill!

          Who’s nearly hidden in the calla lilies? Laura! Here’s her finished sketch from last time in the garden, and today’s sketch.

           Speaking of calla lilies, here’s Ellen’s beginning outline sketch – nice.

         Turned around to discover Ken, also intrigued with the lilies. You can get a peek, too, of his sketch of Danita’s husband from another time.