Category: Uncategorized

  • Things are rosy for the sketch group

    Things are rosy for the sketch group

    Owen Rose Garden, Eugene, OR

    We were all over the place – Jim & Bill together near the Tartarian cherry tree, with Liz nearby; Erik & Marsha confabbing about sketching; Daisy & Lona breathing in the roses; the rest everywhere!

                Bill, out of the house from recent illness, gloried in the sun while Jim refined his sketch and caught up on travel adventures.

               Barb Sh shared her design for a Goth wedding card, complete with gargoyles. Then a smaller version became part of her sketch today.

        Penny checked in with Liz, who was really intent on sketching that tree. What a fabulous day in the sunshine.

         Marsha, Erik & Ellen wander around looking for sketch sites, then Erik settles on the huge old cherry tree, too.

       Ellen found a fascinating enormous leaf to sketch, backed by a tree and accented by foxglove. How delightful.

          Marsha chose sketching in the shade, and had a poppy sketch from home to share before she tackled sketching a rose. Elegantly done!

          Daisy & Lona were surrounded by roses. Here’s Daisy’s loose watercolor sketch added to one she had done at home. Lovely.

          Lona started sketching a nearby bench set in the flowers, with a Van Gogh approach she said – love that yellow border, too!

          Tricia joined the gals, and did a splashy impression of the garden in front of her, then added text to fill out the experience. Nice.

          Meanwhile, Bev discovered poppies growing near the gazebo. What a lively sketch of them! Then she had to sketch roses, too, of course.


    Laura started with one version for the poppies, then turned the page and did a new one for a different approach. Do it again, and again!


    Penny got caught up in sketching the poppies, too, then took shade on the bench near Katie. Look at those roses beyond them!

          Katie is having fun playing fast & loose with her frames template – now let’s see, if I combine these spaces…and out of the frame…

           Jane tried playing with the frames, too, but rather than combine some, she had images breaking the frames, inside/outside.

        And here’s Lealan walking with Barb Sh. She may have come late after taking care of remodeling tasks, but there’s promise there!


  • Up to our ears in iris!

    Up to our ears in iris!

    Schreiner’s Iris Gardens, Salem, OR

      Erik (& Kate) & Marsha got there first.  Here’s today’s group: Danita, Lealan, Erik, Jane, Daisy, Marsha & Laura (with Kate at the camera).

              Kate captures a photo of Marsha & Erik. Erik excels at photos of the mind to draw from later, while Marsha grabbed some time to sketch.

           How do you choose what to draw here! Jane tried to capture a taste of the scene – what an abundance of color and shapes.

         First Lealan used wax crayons, then a brush pen to capture the essence of the iris – some wannabe sketchers even stopped to look!

          Laura got right into sketching, and here’s her final sketchy-sketch.

          Danita got in some sketching time there, too, but Daisy was too overwhelmed at the garden so she sketched on the way home!

    OK – the rest of the photos here are of the flowers we saw, so if you’re not interested you can skip them. But we loved them!

    Among the iris:




    And some of the show-stopping iris:







  • What You See Is What You Get with this group!

    What You See Is What You Get with this group!

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

       From the head of the table: Ken, Sandy, Barb So, Serge, Bev, Hugh, Erik; Liz, Marsha, Daisy, Jim. (Jane behind the camera.)

          Sandy brought the iris, and didn’t she do a sweet job sketching it!

       Ken had a good time sketching the iris, too, using water soluble colored pencils and a water brush, rather than his usual brushpen.

         Barb So had already done some sketching of her iris at home, but she enjoyed adding this delicate sketch to her book, too.

           Serge has such an eye for detail, and knows just what to add to increase the dimensionality of his sketch – can you see the changes?

               Bev let her sketches of Ken and of Jane be part of the background context, while the flowers took center stage with color – sweet!

              Hugh sketched the iris, too from yet another viewpoint. Then he couldn’t resist using a brushpen to sketch a guy with a “man bun.”

          Jane thought Erik was sketching in two different frames. “No, it’s a tree trunk,” he said – then made it a tree trunk separated in frames!

        Liz was interested in the food mart sign with accompanying paper lanterns. This will be fun to bring color to it, with bright red lanterns.

         Daisy was into the signs, too. First a graphite pencil outline, then ink, then colored pencils. Nice work, Daisy!

             Jane’s version of sign capture used the little square frames. The last frame is taken from a photo from downstairs in black & white.

          Jim uses his sketchbook somewhat like Barb Sh does – it’s an ongoing story of where he’s been, what he sees, and the pages turn on & on.

              Meanwhile, Marsha was doing a visual record of Jim at work – great!

  • Rain Changes the Sketch Plan

    Rain Changes the Sketch Plan

    5th St. Market, under cover, Eugene, OR

    We’d planned on being outside on the top decks overlooking the patio, but it was RAINING. So we opted for cover options:

     Upstairs inside: Hugh, Erik, Marsha, Sandy, Bev, Penny Danita, Ken, Lona, & Danita’s loving husband who was reading. Downstairs under cover: Daisy, Barb Sh, Jim, Serge (with Barb So & Jane there, too).

              Work by Daisy, Barb Sh, and Jane – (the seen and not seen).

       Work by Jim (2 floor view) & Serge (architecture and coffee cup).

          And at table #1 upstairs, work by Hugh and Erik – nice detail.

          Work by Marsha, Bev, and Sandy. Nice people captures!

          At table #2, Penny & Ken loved having Danita’s husband as a model.

            Danita finished off her sketchbook with a 3 color sketch, and Lona did a vibrant sketch of the sign for the new restaurant.

  • So what would you say about the evolving sketches?

    So what would you say about the evolving sketches?

    16 Tons Café, Eugene, OR

    [Note: the blog editor is still trying to catch up, so help!]

       Here’s the scene, here are our Salem Sketchers guests: Lucy, Katy, and Nancy. What a delight to have them come down to join us today!

             Barb Sh.








              Katy V.








         And yes, Ken was there, witness Sharon’s portrait sketch, as well as Ken’s ever evolving “go darker” sketch!