Category: Uncategorized

  • “Gallery” walk tops sketch outing

    “Gallery” walk tops sketch outing

    Café Yumm, 18th & Willamette, Eugene, OR

          Here we (mostly, except for late comers) are, all lined up in the Café Yumm inner courtyard. What a great place for our expansive group!

           First we got a report about Tomomi’s children’s recital, along with sketches made by Barb Sh and Marsha. They said it was delightful.

          At the end of the table, Sandy was deeply engrossed in sketching the mandarin oranges she placed in her hat – more dark! That works.

           Tulips were a recurring theme today – these by Barb So, and then she tried her hand at Sandy’s still life, too. Just a little dark really helps.

          Here are Hugh’s takes on tulips, too. The one on black pops!

          Marsha brought her sketch of tulips on black, then used a variety of colored pencils to do a people sketch – what fun results.

          Katie had done a tulip sketch earlier, and used the time to put some watercolor on it. Looks like this is a place we’d like to go sometime.

           Bev did the traditional sketcher’s approach of “sketch what’s in front of you!” These are scenes in the nearby shop windows. Interesting!

          Lealan picked the most complicated items in the show room window to sketch. Look how she builds the picture, and it’s not done yet.

            Helga was looking the other way out the windows – nice framework!

          Ken zeroed in on a nearby decorative tree, and look how he kept on going, and how the dark negative space made those leaves emerge.

          Pat found a hanging plant to sketch, then sneaked in a couple of people sketches, too! Way to go! Pat’s really fitting right in.

          Jane was looking across the room to the service area – one of her least simple sketches, but once she got started she couldn’t stop.

          Even latecomers got something done – Marnie started the tree, Erik an image in his head, and Daisy tested watercolor pencils on fabric!

    Needless to say, our “gallery” walk around to see what others had done was fascinating and a great success. We’ll do this again!

  • Anything that Holds Still is Fair Sketching!

    Anything that Holds Still is Fair Sketching!

    Apr. 17, 2018 – Barnes & Noble Bookstore, Eugene, OR

        Most of us took over a whole section of the cafe – ah, coffee!

        But here’s Barb So tucked away in the Children’s Section – cute!

          And Laura was on the main floor focusing on the display across from her. She moved somethings in the sketch to get the essence of it.

          Back in the cafe Barb Sh shared her finished work from weeks past, then set out to sketch a bookstore patron nearby.

            Here’s a look at Erik’s sketching from the mind, a layering process from pencil sketch to top layer. Check back for the finished work!

          Ken had a great view of Sharon who was sketching in the corner across from him. Lovely sketch!

          Jane was grateful for Ken’s “permission” to sketch people in pencil (she avoids noses), and Sandy permitted a photo of her sketching.

          Hugh was back in a dark corner, but he made the best of it, sketching from his travel photos. This is going to be quite dynamic.

           Katie was busy sending photos to Jane of Friday sketching, so just got a single quick sketch done, while next to her Lona was capturing the cover of a charming book for a gift.

          Bev did a sketch of a couple of sketchers, then got interested in the shells that Daisy brought, turning them into interesting designs.

          Daisy, however, was interested in doing an exact to size replication of her shells – now there’s a challenge! Well done, Daisy.

          Marsha had a great (role) model across from her with a great hat, then went back to a flower sketch in colored pencil, her forte.

          What on earth is Marnie sketching? Oh my gosh, she found another curving lighting installation (shades of Riverbend cafeteria). Wow!

              Helga started sketching what she thought would be a simple chair (there ARE no simple chairs!), then added cafe context – nice!

            Satoko was looking at sketches by Barb Sh (influenced by the  Peer Gynt ballet); Satoko sketched nearby people, and above them a graphic sketch of the stage set which had her paintings projected.

         Lealan started her people sketch with her usually light blue marker outline, then began adding vivid colors to the scene. Zowie.

         And Sharon, having finished her person sketch, resorted to the tried and true “sketch what’s in front of you” – cups on the table!

  • Bookstore Sketching

    Bookstore Sketching

    Barnes & Noble, Eugene, OR

    Most of us took a seat in the cafe at the bookstore and drew what we saw around us. And in alphabetical order (seems fitting)…

              Barbara Sh caught us up with her completed page started last week, then on to  some of the crowd here, licking her brush to do shading!

         Barb So showed us her completed page from last week, too (so charming!), and did some people sketches of those near her.

          Bev bemoaned starting a sketch upside down in her book, but used it to her advantage (click the middle), then on to a lovely flower sketch.

         Daisy sketched her Danish, then went over to the children’s section to arrange a still life to draw. (Ken said, that’s what I’m doing next!)

        Erik said he was drawing out of his mind. (No editorial comment.)

          Hugh really used the neo-color crayons to great effect on the black paper – those books just jump off the shelves!

          Jane started sketching the woman across from her who was totally absorbed in her work, then ended with a sketch of fern fronds.

          Laura started with a person sketch, too, then borrowed a photo from Marsha of a trillium – nicely rendered!

          Lona outdid us all – she chose the colorful cover of a romance book and did a splashy rendition all in suitable fervor!

          Marsha began a sketch of Lona, paused to show the difference of colored pencil on black and then white paper, and finished Lona’s.

          Pat started with an ink sketch, did one of the cafe counter and added some color which moved her back to her original sketch, too. Nice.

          Sandy sketched a fellow at a nearby table, and Lona across the room, and managed to talk to Lealan who never did put pen to paper!


  • Architectural Sketching Challenges

    Architectural Sketching Challenges

    Whole Foods, Eugene, OR

          There was lots to see from the Community Room at Whole Foods.

           Penny and Joanne were busy drawing the interesting houses across the street. Here’s Penny’s sketch.

          Joanne added the trees to her house sketch, and Doug took on the incredible challenge of the curving lines in the US Courthouse.

                Marnie’s attention was captured by the traffic below – and doesn’t color always make a difference!

    What’s Ken up to, inquiring minds want to know!

        Oh, the view from the top of the stairs! What a clever sketcher!

             Penny and Barb So talked about traveling to Paris, then exchanged ideas with Sandy. Here’s Barb So’s sketch of the house next door.

          Hugh used the window as a frame for his sketch, indoors & out.

          Jane first focused on the building across the way (which was WAY too complicated), then on the message of the billboard. Good idea.

          Laura, looking out the same window as Hugh & Jane, drew trees instead of getting caught up with the complicated building. Nice!

           Tomomi was back with her children for art exploration (& modeling).

        The payoff they got for modeling for Barb Sh was a look at the mandalas she was making with crows and frogs. What Fun!

          Lealan demonstrated her technique of sketching in light blue first, then adding colored markers for a lively portrait sketch.


  • Surprises Sketching at RiverBend

    Surprises Sketching at RiverBend

    RiverBend Cafeteria, Springfield, OR

          We had some nice surprises at this week’s gathering – Barb Sh’s sister and brother-in-law from Albuquerque joined us!

         And then Satoko came in to share her watercolors from her recent trip to Portugal.

              Hugh and Sandy bought a sketch from Erik (yay!), and meanwhile here’s what Daisy was busy sketching.

           Sandy showed her sketchbook from Death Valley. Quite a contrast to today’s sketch of Oregon greenery!

          Hugh quickly did a line drawing of someone in the room, then put in Crayon d’Ache colors with a light water wash.

          Barb Sh had an update on the sketch she did last week, as well as one she just started, then did a view out the window & lights above.

            Joanne was mesmerized by the path outside, and by the time she was finished even had some reflective text to go with it – nice!

          Doug did a people sketch, then turned to the path & lanterns outside, too. Such fun to have a La Romita sketcher with us.

          Bev did a cluster of people at a nearby table, then the outside lanterns, and back to a cluster of people. She’s so prolific

            Pat tackled the winding dropped ceiling with lamps, quick decided she was doing it starting at the wrong end, and look at the results!


    Jane started with an outside lantern, and continued to add some of the inside lights.  They probably deserve color, Jane…