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  • New Tools and Tricks Workshop

    1st Annual Top Drawers Workshop, Eugene, OR

    We started the new year out with a lot of enthusiasm, new sketchbooks and blank pages to do pre-sketching preparation (which was new to a lot of us). What sketches will come of this?

       Sketchers eagerly gathered around tables to explore tools and techniques – blocks of watercolor wash, rubber stamping for borders, airbrush colored backgrounds, and spray using stencils. We had SO much fun, we decided it should be an annual event.

          Barb So started with a watercolor wash on a blank page, Marsha used tape to form a edge for hers, and Tricia snuck a stamp into her watercolor sketch of our feet!

          Daisy got us right into using rubber stamps to form page borders and to title our sketchbooks. Lealan loved the stamp variety.

          Lona and Marnie used a  stamp repeatedly to form a pattern, and Jane used a torn stick-it note stencil to spray her first page & added a stamp, then wrote the number of this sketchbook (35!).

          And speaking of using sprays, here are examples using a stencil, and using stick-it notes to create white spaces.  Another effect was created by re-spritzing. Hugh stencil was so juicy he used it to stamp it onto another page.

          Ken was the master teacher in how to use the airbrush setup with Copic Markers to give background to the page, and then do a sketch on top of it (even if you hadn’t planned what you were going to do).

           He had a very attentive group who were then eager to try it out.

          OK, here goes! Penny did airbrush on top of rubber stamps, Sandy made a border with hers much to Ken’s approval.

         Airbrush on top of rubber stamp, using a stencil, and finally using watercolor on top of the airbrushed background. Zow.

    We had a blast!

  • It’s All in How You See It

    Mes Amis Cafe, Eugene, OR

    It was the day after Christmas, but 11 of us showed up anyway to sketch at this delightful little coffee shop: Daisy, Bev, Lona, BarbS, Erik, Marsha, Ken, Hugh, Sandy, (Jane with camera, Lealan later).

            Daisy was sitting directly across from this charming snowman display, but she wasn’t the only one to sketch it!

            Bev saw it at nearly the same angle, but she added some designs of her own and went on to sketch what was outside the south window.

       And speaking of windows, here’s Erik’s beginning sketch of a window in his mind’s eye. More to come with this one!

         Lona was preoccupied with sketching a favorite cup from a photo, but did it with her signature colorful background.

              Barb So had her back to the snowman display, so she sketch what was in front of her – a lovely little bouquet, and Bev’s cookie!

        Daisy’s friend Lynda came to see what we did when we got together, and was intrigued by the different sketching styles, including Hugh’s.

         Hugh seems to be enjoying the contrast of sketching on black paper, as well as on white with his markers & vibrant wax crayons.

           Marsha is really immersing herself in color, doing a study where she utilized a quilting pattern for background texture, and color chart.

                   Jane was at the end of the table, and this is the angle she saw of the snowman display, with all the detail she just couldn’t omit.

          Sandy was seated further around the end of the table, and this was her perspective on the snowman display.

        Lealan sat next to Hugh, so her chosen sketch view was of the condos out the north windows – love that color block & line sketch.

          Then Sandy started sketching a painting on the wall – what a cutie! We really enjoyed being here, and look forward to coming back.

  • What a little tone and color will do!

    Allan Bros. Beanery, 5th St., Eugene, OR

    We really spread out all over the place today! Nearly all of us can be seen here starting left: Barb So (with Barb Sh beyond her), Daisy, Sandy, Marnie, Helga, Lona, Katie, Hugh, Erik, Bev & Ken.

          Sandy, Barb So, Satoko, Barb Sh, Daisy, Marnie; Helga, Lona, Katie, Hugh, Erik; Satoko, Bev, Ken.

            Barb So starts her sketch with an inked line drawing, Sandy with a new sketchbook and inspirational sticker, and Erik reminisces.

           Barb Sh explains about her signature style, ink then watercolor brush to bring out the tones, and proceeds to demonstrate.

         Daisy adds more detail before she will go on to add color.

          Marnie wondered how to fix some perspective issues – more ink, add color! Wow, did that ever do the job! Nice work.

       Jane was sitting across from Marnie, looking through the windows of the store next door. One light led to another, then color & tone.

            Helga started with a simple plant, then moved on to add the challenging architecture, then added tones & shadow. That did it!

          Lona must be the queen of color – she made this sketch sing!

          Katie wondered why she picked the building architecture to do, but see how adding the shadow tones made it all come together!

          Hugh started out with white jelly roll pen, added the wax oil crayons, and look how that sketch of arches pops! He says it’s Erik’s fault.

          Bev dove right into the interesting angles of the beams, then couldn’t resist sketching the bear in it’s charming pose.


    Satoko’s attention was captured by the ceiling fans and lights framed by the windows. The hatch marks bring depth and perspective.

  • Drawing from many sources

    Allan Bros. Beanery, 5th St., Eugene, Oregon

    What a great turnout! Marsha, Katie, Ken, Erik, Hugh, Sandy, Penny, Barb Sh. So many came we had to add an upper floor annex: Bev, Barb So, & Lealan (with Jane behind the camera, of course). 

           The stuffed bear on a metal rack caught the attention of Bev & Jane (above), as well as Barb So. & Penny. That bear was so loveable!    

    Barb Sh. came with a “map” of a recent trip, and proceeded to continue filling in her colorful response to the events.    

        Hugh took on the challenge of sketching some beauty berries encased in ice on his black paper – those wax crayons do it!

       Hugh started in on a sunflower after that, while his wife Sandy took on one of her favorite subject, another bird – the best twitter.

          Erik continued to build on a sketch he started last time – wowza!

         Like Erik, Ken doesn’t need to see an object to draw what’s in his mind’s eye. I suspect that tree will continue to evolve – check back!

          Katie started out with a page of calligraphied words capturing memories of a Thanksgiving outing, then a lighthouse sketch came.

          Marsha was determined to get to know her Inktense watercolor pencils, and started laying out a grid, then water brush, and on.

        Lona used the page she prepared last week to do a study of people, following tips from a book she brought along. Very effective.

           Meanwhile, Bev sketches the group from her viewpoint in the upper “annex” platform.

           Lealan recounted how fascinated she was with the crows in the bare branched trees that she saw on her walk – look how they came alive!

  • Variety is the Sketching Spice

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

    Here they are, up for the sketching challenge: Ken, Lona, Daisy, Helga, Bev, Barb So (& Jane behind the camera). Bring it on!

            Bev captures the scene out the door to Mindy’s shop, then moves on to the poinsettia under the tree, & a nice motto, too!

            Helga started with a single poinsettia, then let her artistic license take over with added context, and even the store lettering – wow!

           Daisy’s sketch of the scene at Mindy’s was selective, with just enough detail and color to make it a compelling portrait. Nice!

         Jane’s getting good at a quick food sketch so she can also quickly demolish the model. Then back to a favorite topic – a flower.

          Barb So had time to let her poinsettia sketch develop and try doing a sketch of Lona sitting across from her. Yay for trying something new!

          Lona’s love of vibrant color is an inspiration – she finishes one sketch and moves on to do a background for another (note brush size).

            Ken’s sketch built on a quick wash he’d put down before, and didn’t it work out well for capturing the scene before him!

            Lona was frustrated in drawing the round tables outside, & Ken asked her if she wanted some help – yes! The table is only round if you see it from a bird’s perspective – see how the circle collapses into a skinny oval from our perspective? And here’s the result!