Category: Uncategorized

  • There’s Always Something to Sketch Around Us!

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

        We love the tables in the window – Hugh, Sandy, Barb Sh, Daisy, Katie, Erik, Bev, Penny & Hugh again (with Jane behind the camera).

            Hugh was busy sketching the whole time! First the outside structure, then the memory of a neighbor’s tree, and the last page!

            Jane said she bought the fruit Danish purely for modeling purposes (but it also gave her an incentive to finish the sketch!).

          Sandy did the same with a great looking Bear Claw.

            Barb Sh found elegance in the mundane, as she added cafe chairs to her existing sketch. Look how they came to life with color!

            Daisy took the conversation about Urban Sketchers to heart and started sketching the heating vent above us – wow.

              Katie had a colorful page to show us, then went on to add a sketch from outside the window and started adding color there, too. Nice.

              Bev had pre-stamped her page, added the corn, and then the little toy Erik brought. “It’s not a squid! It’s an octopus,” he said. Oh.

                  And on closer examination…Erik’s sketch starts to emerge, too.

         Penny started by finishing a sketch from home, then couldn’t resist the octopus, too, and the fascinating reflection on the table.

    But wait, there are more! Satoko, Tricia, and Penelope (in constant movement) commandeered a table for sketching, too.

            Penelope brought her sketches from the forest fire in Central Oregon (the black was from burnt wood in her yard), then set to.

            Tricia caught us up on past sketches (including the twisty glass jar from Perugino), and then began an autumn watercolor sketch.

              Satoko showed Barb Sh photos of her Tuscany workshop site (next fall), then started sketching nearby people at the tables.

    Then Barb Sh wowed us with the design she created to show off postage stamps that were just too interesting to throw away.

  • Packed in at Perugino’s

    Perugino’s, Eugene, OR

    Eventually, there were actually 14 people who showed up to sketch today, and heard Ken hold forth on interesting topics.

          Lona doesn’t believe in “sketch first, eat later,” but her sketch didn’t appear to suffer from it – vibrant and juicy!

               Jane was sitting next to Barb So, Bev, & Danita – her sketch.

         Barb So sketched her house, & Bev another Perugino scene.

        Danita dutifully completed her sketch before she ate her quiche!

           Ken is checking out the blue cords on the doorway, while Lealan looks and a finished sketch, & then does the “Easter” pumpkins.

         Hugh and Erik are into landscapes and trees.

         Erik’s friend Jean did a nice sketch of the gals at the table!

         And at the far table were Katie, Sandy, Daisy, & Tricia, but the photographer only caught Sandy trying to catch a moving model.


  • Sketching from Italy with Love

    Perugino’s, Eugene, Oregon

    First, the report from Italy:

    This is Lealan’s accordion book summary – colorful and wonderful, just like the sketch trip with Ken to Umbria, Sept. 15 – Oct. 5, 2017.

    And here we are with a little bit of Italy at Perugino’s: Hugh, Sandy, Lealan, Bev, Ken, Daisey, Erik (who had to leave early, & Jane behind the camera).

         Bev carefully laid out her sketch to a very nice effect.

        I I thought maybe Lealan was channeling Picasso when she picked up the brush pen, but wait, there’s more!

            Daisey chose the design on the table at first, and then went to a display on a nearby shelf – a bit more of a challenge.

            Ken often works out of several sketchbooks at a time, and this one had a background color application which he really made work.

    Here’s what Sandy and Hugh had been doing when Jane walked in the door.


    Then Hugh split off to do a sketch of what caught his eye when traveling in Europe.

            Sandy was eager to try out Jane’s new colored pencils – Caran d’Ache Museum Quality watercolors. Wow!

    Between jet lag and the Italy group cold, Jane was barely comatose, so we’ll forgive her for only managing to do an almost readable color chart of her new colored pencils.

  • Color in the Courtyard

    New Day Bakery Courtyard, Eugene, OR

        Here’s how the group started out – Sandy & Hugh; Jane’s sketchbook, Barb So, Ellen Gabehart, Lona, Barb Sh, and Penny.

    And here’s how the group ended: Barb Sh, Bev, Sandy, Hugh, Ken, Ellen, and Lona (Jane behind the camera). Lealan came later.

         Barb Sh & Lona shared their finished sketches from last week – Barb put the country name as they use it on top of their flags.

              Sandy sketched the old tree trunk, and here’s how it turned out.

           Hugh did a different tree next to an umbrella (& doesn’t it glow!).

          Ken chose that tree, too, but with a different approach – go darker!

           Barb Sh was eager to show Ken her finished page (see above), as well as her two page flip animation. Then she sketched a toy she brought.

        Penny got a lot of her sketch done before she had to leave, and here are her bright models.

             Bev sketched the marigolds, too, and didn’t they turn out great!

         Lona’s sketch was a mystery outline until she added color – oh! the wonderful artist’s bags, of course!

              Barb So & Ellen chat – Barb started with an umbrella-table sketch, then ended with those vibrant morning glories.

           Ellen’s a real people-person, so she included people under the umbrella, paying attention to texture in the background – nice!

           Jane did the table-umbrella, and added some flowers. Then both she and Bev were charmed by a dog sitting across the way patiently waiting for bits of his owner’s scone. And see, there’s Lealan!

  • Finding Food for Thoughtful Sketching

    Food Court, Valley River Center, Eugene, OR

       Hugh, Erik, Sandy; Daisy, Lona, Daisy’s sister-in-law. Erik had to leave early, and the sister-in-law was a resistant sketcher. Too bad.

         Barb So with her sketch from her home; Jane’s sketch where she is deciding whether to include the cup container or not…

    Penny, Hugh, Marsha, Sandy, & Barb Sh, all hard at work!

          Marsha works at capturing the elusive shape of the sculpture, and Sandy sketches one the “models” at a nearby table.

           Daisy uses a bunch of us for models in a fun lively sketch.

        Lona gets literal in sketching whatever is in front of her!

            Penny refers to a photo on her iPhone, first a flower, then a bird – and oh, look at that heron take on life!

           But Barb Sh is still off reliving her latest trip adventure. Wow.