Category: Uncategorized

  • Is this a class? Uh, no, we just like to sketch together!

    5th St. Market, downstairs, Eugene, OR

         Some people come by just to say hello even if they don’t have time to sketch with us, but here are the folks in action: Sandy, Barb So, Barb Sh, Daisy, Marsha, Hugh, and at the other table were Erik, Lona, & Ken.  Jane’s behind the camera, and Satoko and Marsha stopped by.

          Hugh started it off with a blueberry Danish, & Sandy joined in. Hugh is enjoying his black toned paper sketchbook.

        Hugh even started another sketch of the pastry before he ate it, and here’s Sandy proudly showing her finished sketch to us.

          Jane was inspired by the pastry, too – a Kouign-Amann!

           Barb So started on the pastry, too, then remembered to show us eclipse glasses she’d sketched, and added toenail polish to her foot.

              Barb Sh quickly sketched a fellow across the room tasting wine. She uses a water soluble brown ink, then touches it with the waterbrush. And then Lealan sneaked in and started sketching Barb!

             Daisy started by sketching what was in front of her, and ended by doing a chart to show how her watercolor pencils will hide or reveal the color beneath them when touched with the waterbrush.

             Marsha brought a photo along as her inspiration, and look how that sketch evolved – pencil, pen, and colored pencil. Lovely!

            Erik chatted with Sandy before sitting down at the next table with Lona, and sketching his view of patterns out the window!

              Lona captured a vibrant display she saw as she walked in, and when I exclaimed, she said, “you have to show what it took to get there!”

    And here’s what it took for Lona to finish her sketch – wow!

            Ken choose the pear tart, and here’s the payoff for completion!

           Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Barb Sh. was sharing her fabulous unfolding comic sketchbook story about her trip to Italy to Ken, Satoko, and Lealan. We all loved her production – way to go!

  • Too Many Things to Sketch!

    Oakway Mall Courtyard, Eugene, OR

           Erik & Hugh check in with each other, then the rest get started: Daisy, Barb So, Marsha, Sandy, Bev, Barb Sh, Lona, Erik, & Penny.

            Barb Sh is eager to show Daisy & Sandy her latest comic strip version of her last Italy trip – Erik enjoyed it, too. Here’s a peek!

               Daisy started a color chart of her watercolor pencils, then drew an example of how Barb Sh did her book, and finally a sketch on top.

           Hugh stayed focused the whole time – he really captured the scene.

            Lona did a close-up of the same pot, then took on the chairs – yikes!

            Bev may be the fastest sketcher of us all – not just these two, but the two below, too!


           It’s so interesting to see how Marsha’s sketches develop – she even got some color down this time – lovely!

             Tricia was tempted by the black-eyed Susans, too, but just had to get a closer look – how do you DO that mass of flowers! Oh, like this.

        Penny didn’t get to stay long, but we got a look at her finished rooster from 5th St. Market, & the beginning of today’s sketch.

          The masses of flowers and pots were just too much for Barb So, I guess, so she resorted to sketching her foot in her sandals!

        Barb Sh was off in another land, reliving a recent cruise.

            Meanwhile, Sandy was chortling about artistic license as she put together her sketch of the store door and sign.

    And what was Jane doing? Her gratitude sketch for the day.


  • Sketching Short and Sweet

    Oakway Mall Courtyard, Eugene, OR

            At first it looked like just some of the same old players – Lona and Erik captured by Sandy’s camera – what a lovely day for sketching!

           Then Tomomi came with her children to sketch with us – here’s her son showing his sketching prowess – well done!

          Tomomi’s daughter chose to sketch some of the colorful flowers, and here’s Tomomi with her own sketch of lantern & hanging baskets.

    We always enjoy having new sketchers with us (& especially kids).

  • Sketching Outside at Jane’s

    Jane’s place, Eugene, OR

         We had quite a gathering on the decks at Jane’s house – Vikki Wetle, Marsha, Penny, Vikki’s friend Katie, & Barb So on the east deck; Lona, Danita, Sandy, Hugh (& Jane) on the west deck. What a day!

        Danita brought scones, much to the pleasure seen here with Hugh & Sandy. The scones quickly made their way to the other deck, too.

          Danita took on the landscape, first with a watercolor layer, then later with defining ink lines. What a difference some ink makes!

           Hugh moved from his initial architecture lines of black on white to a white on black version, and then on the the flowers (from Marsha, and the peaches (from Vikki).

            Sandy (aka, the bird lady) just couldn’t wait to put paintbrush to her sketchbook to capture the blue heron that was in the newspaper.

         Lona was attracted to the tray of peaches from Vikki’s orchard.

             Vikki drove down from her ranch in Amity, bringing freshly picked peaches and figs (& her friend Katie, too, who sketched the figs).

            Helga sketched the whole table in front of her along with boxes of scones & a bowl of figs. She likes using pencil because…corrections!

          Marsha had a sketch in mind from a photo, but finally gave in to sketch the bowl of figs. (They were disappearing pretty fast).

            Penny found the figs irresistible, too – look how her sketch develops.

            Here’s Katie sketching the figs, while Judith selects one to sketch along with Katie’s collapsible water container.

            Barb S-N sketched the figs, too, as well as a blue glass cup – lovely!

           I think Barb So smelled the peaches, because she migrated to the other deck (along with Penny) to sketch with Lona.

        Penny immediately sketched the peaches. Jane did, too, after everyone left (& after she ate one of the peaches). Nice time!

  • Roisterous Rooster Sketching in the Heat.

    5th St. Market, downstairs courtyard, Eugene, OR
    Temperature predicted to get to 108 degrees!

       Here we are, escaping the heat in the lower courtyard. It was NICE.

           Marsha and Barb So. were under the patio overhang, and Barb So’s sketch gives you the first look at the rooster on top of the fountain.

           Marsha choose to sketch the plants & setting (but no rooster!)


    Back in the corner were some newcomers: Lona, daughter Lisa, and granddaughter Addi. It was fun having a young sketcher –  we encouraged her to try a waterbrush, and she discovered watercolor!

            Lona was alternately sketching with pen, and adding watercolor pencil with waterbrush. “I love color!” she exclaimed. Yep.

    On around the courtyard were Helga, Daisy, Bev, & Marsha. Above Marsha’s head you can see the rooster posing on top of the fountain.

            Helga was fascinated with the hanging plants, as was Jane, who after a irksome effort to sketch Erik & Hugh resorted to table items.

            Daisy was enthralled with the rooster – great perspective!

            Bev enjoyed sound of  the water fountain while she was sketching the flowers above her.

         Beyond Bev we see that Lealan slipped in to sketch…Bev and Marsha across the courtyard from her!

    Rounding out the group are Penny, Sandy, Ken, Erik & Hugh.

        And what does Penny pick to draw? The rooster, of course!

             Sandy quickly moved into adding color to her version of the bird.

           And speaking of color – here’s Ken’s sketch of the rooster – wow!

    Erik contemplates his croissant pastry & chats with Hugh.

         Good thing Erik has such a great visual memory, because that pastry disappeared very fast before he could sketch it.

          Hugh took on the challenge of the rear view of the rooster; now who’s being roisterous?