Category: Uncategorized

  • Figuring it out

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

    1 - Jan's block     2 - BarbSh,JanJan brought her completed folding block creation, much to our delight. Barb Shirk and Jan enjoy each other’s constructions.

    3 - Ken et alHere, give me that thing! Ken & Erik join in on the hinged block fun.

    4 - designNow that we’ve been successful in hinging the blocks together so that they will fold open into new patterns, Barb Shirk, Barb Aten, Erik, & Jan start contemplating designs to go on them.

    7 - BarbA      8 - ErikBarb Aten refers to a Zentangle book for inspiration, while Erik begins a Greek key pattern on his blocks.

    5 - Barbs      6 - BarbsBarb Sommers brought some sample sketches to ask our resident expert how she might use them on her folding blocks. Let’s see….

    9 - Jane    revised rocks-salal Meanwhile, Jane was trying to figure out how to get her stacked rocks to look like they were sitting on the salal leaves, referring back at a previous sketch and photos of the rocks and the leaves. Ta dah!

  • No Blockheads Here!

    Barbara Shirk’s house, Eugene, OR

    It was an auspicious beginning at Barbara’s house this Tuesday morning…

    1-treats      2-gang-craft roomWe were greeted with warm mini-croissants and chocolate shortbread, as well as a tour of Barb’s craft room & charming home. Above are: Ardas Calhoun, Barbara Aten, Tricia Clark-McDowell, Penelope Youngfeather, Jan Brown, & hostess Barbara Shirk.

    4-BarbSh-explains      3-samplesThen Barb introduced us to the folding cubes, samples in basket.

    5-preparation     6-folding blocksIn the corner was the supply layout, as well as written instructions with illustrations (once  a superb teacher, always a superb teacher!)

    table group    table-cuttingBarb Aten, Jan, Ardas Calhoun, and Tricia got right down to it…take six little wooden cubes (used as math manipulative in elementary school), then cut white sticker labels to fit across two…

    BarbSh-Erik    Erik-whewBarb demonstrates for Erik how the cubes go together so that they will open up – this is tricky & complicated! He gives a sigh of relief when his complete folding blocks work right. Yay!

    Tricia-cutting      Tricia-trimming     Tricia-designTricia cuts carefully, trims the excess after applied to the blocks so that they open up, and then applies a design which will change as the blocks open and fold in a different direction.

    Penelope-1     Penelope-savePenelope delights in getting the first set of blocks stickers together. Later she photographed a sample design to inspire her at home.

    BarbA-stickers       BarbA-decorate Barb A gets the next block section turned just right for the next sticker application, and gets down to doing designs on her blocks.

    Jane-BarbSo         BarbSo-designJane and Barb Sommers work on their block collection. Barb refers to one of the samples for design ideas. They had to be seen to be believed at how one design would morph into another!

    We had a great time, and we were all successful at getting our folding cubes put together. This definitely got our brains working in a different direction, thanks to Barb Shirk. Now, back to sketching.

  • Relishing What’s in Front of Us

    Friendly St. Market, Eugene, OR

    Jane-1     Jane-2Jane followed her recent advice, draw what’s in front of you.

    Erik-1     Erik-2     Erik-3Erik drew what was in the front of his mind, including this morning’s sunrise!

    Jan-1     Jan-2Jan got started on the challenge of some Indian corn – wow.

    Ken-cover    radish-1Ken was working on the cover sheet for his 85th (!) sketchbook, but quickly got distracted by the fascinating radishes Barb A brought in.

    radish-2   radish-BarbAThe radishes got us all busy drawing what was in front of us – Ken, Barbara, Erik.  And here’s Barb’s final sketch.

    radish-Erik      radish-JaneErik did his radish sketch with crayons, Jane with ink & watercolor.

    radish-Ken     radish-TriciaKen takes a phone call break from his sketch in ink, while  Tricia gleefully shows her collection of radish sketches.

  • Autumn Sketching in the ‘Hood

    Friendly St. Market, Eugene, OR

    5-decorThe decor set the mood at Friendly Street Market – fall is here!

    1 -Ken - leaves      2- T-leavesPenelope spread out an array of leaves she’d picked up on her walk, much to Ken’s and Tricia’s appreciation!

    3 -P - share K       4- BSo-share-KPenelope’s workshop share had Ken clicking away to save a sample; then Barb Sommers got some advice about carousel animals.

    6-outside         BarbSh-2Then someone noticed the sun was glowing outside, so off we went – here’s Tricia, Barb So, Barb A, Penelope, & Barb Sh (getting those leaves into her preexisting journal page).

    P-2      T-2Penelope & Tricia were enthralled with the autumn leaves.

    BarbSo-1      BarbSo-2Barb So tackled the plant on the table – what a challenge! She did it!

    BarbA-2    Jane's - 2Barb A brought a little basket of tiny persimmons to paint – how charming is that! And here’s Jane’s sketch of the market decor, finished at home (because she had to leave early).

  • Seriously Twisted

    Outside Market of Choice, 29th & Willamette, Eugene, OR

    It was a lovely fall day to gather on the patio under the trees, but several things twisted our minds…

    BarbSh - 1    BarbA - SicilyTo begin with, Barb Shirk showed a recent “blue” ink sketch where the ink turned purple, and Barb Aten surprised us with windmill sketches from her recent travel to Sicily. (They have windmills ?!)

    Cubes    Jan - Trish, gourdsThen Barb Shirk had us turning over and around with her cubed art (more on that later – stay tuned!), and Tricia brought out twisted gourds from her garden that had her & Jan immediately sketching!

    Ardas - Jane    Ardas-treeWhile Jane couldn’t resist the gourds, Ardas Calhoun (new to the group from the last trip to LaRomita in Italy) had already started sketching a tree, using little pencils purchased at Tarquinia, Italy.

    BarbA - Pene   Pene-SicilyWhile Barb A sketched the gourds, Penelope perused Barb’s sketchbook from Sicily, then started sketching a map of Sicily which we all agreed was an omen that she would certainly go there, too!