Category: Uncategorized

  • Summery Sketching

    New Day Bakery courtyard, Eugene, OR

    Hard to believe we’re looking for a shady spot, but suddenly it’s hot in Eugene! We were happy to welcome newcomer Anne Tiegen, too.

    Barbs,Anne,Sharon     BarbSh-rabbitBarb Sommers starts sketching while Barb Shirk shows Anne and Sharon Heinz her typical sketchbook pages, in which one image leads to another. Wonder how her rabbit page will develop!

    BarbSh-start   BarbSh-brushpenBarb started adding a sketch of Barb Sommers underneath the clematis arbor, then took up the challenge of using the brush pen.

    BarbSo-start   BarbSo-inkHere’s Barb Sommers with first a pencil outline, & how it looks inked.

    Anne-Jane   Anne-start2   Anne-designAnne, a dedicated painter, gamely launched into sketching folks at the table, then got inspired for a possible design for a painting.

    Jan-start    Jan-developedJan was tempted by the clematis over the courtyard entry, then went on to include the brilliant colored balcony across the street!

    Jane-hose      Jane-New Day CourtyardJane first ignored the courtyard flowers, and focused on the hose hanging on the wall between Anne & Sharon; then the flowers.

    Sharon-start    Sharon-colorpencilSharon started out with graphite pencil, then added colored pencil.

    Trish,Anne,Sharon,Erik    Erik-startThen Tricia and Erik showed up – here’s Erik’s sketch.

    Tricia-start    Tricia-watercolorTrisha began her sketch with ink, then added watercolor.

    Jim,Joby,Sandy,Hugh   Joby'sMeanwhile, a report from the road – here are sketchers Joby (with husband Jim), Sandy & Hugh taking a break from their bicycling outing up the valley, along with the sketch Joby managed to sneak in from their stop at Thompson Flour Mill near Halsey.


  • Relishing Time in the Rose Garden

    Owen Rose Garden, Eugene, OR

    At last, a warm sunny day on a Tuesday! We were beginning to think we were hexed on our scheduled sketch day.

    Jan & ErikJane & Erik happily enjoyed sketching there, Jan shaded, Erik in sun.

    BarbSo's truck      BarbSo sketching    It’s a bit difficult to see in the shade, but Barb Sommers brought her sketch of the truck from the Farmers Market, then on to sketching.

    Jan's river    Jan's new styleJan showed her abstracted sketch of a creek bottom – too weird? How about this one of Kokopeli?  NO, we all agreed – very cool!

    Tricia sketching  Tricia startTricia found a place in the shade, and decided to work on contrast.

    Erik starts    Erik - color   Erik got those preliminary arches down just right, and the foliage began to grow (until hunger pangs took him away for lunch!)

    Jan - developing    Jan - done  Jan’s style blends expressionism with just enough representation – so charming and full of life.

    BarbSo - color    BarbSo - doneBarb Sommers made a sweet sketch of the wild geranium, and beside it the tiny blossoms of feverfew – so light and delightful.

    Tricia - developing   Tricia - doneAnd here’s how Tricia’s study in contrasts evolved – some leaves were in the direct sun, some in deeper shade. Well done!

    Jane-Owen Rose Garden

    Jane was busy taking photos, and doing little design vignettes from  the plants in bloom all around them. What a lovely special day!

  • In and Out (but no burgers)

    New Day Bakery, Eugene, OR

    Another Tuesday of iffy weather sent us to New Day Bakery, which has the luxury of being warm and dry inside, and when (if?) the sun comes out we can adjourn to the colorful courtyard. Here we are:

    1-all    1-Jane

    Tricia, Sandy, & Erik get right at it.  Jane did a little more on the sketch she started at Riverview Café at Riverbend Medical Center.

    1-Tricia   2-TriciaTricia catches us up on a recent trip. What’s going in the little box at the bottom left? Come back next week to see!

    1-Erik     2-ErikErik takes advantage of a nearby model – did he captured that mood?

    1-Sandy     2-SandySandy dutifully started sketching food & drink, but also got enticed by the guy modeling across from her.

    4-all    3-ErikThen it started warming up outside, so Erik, Sandy, & Jane were happy to move.  Here’s Erik’s sketch of the bike across the patio.

    Kokopeli, acanthus    KokopeliKokopeli & the acanthus molis caught Jane’s eye for vignettes.

    3-Sandy        LiliesSandy was intrigued with all the flowers in bloom.

    4-TriciaAnd Tricia captured the whole colorful scene, with comments, too.

  • Sketch-shopping at the Market

    Farmers Market, Eugene, OR

    Rita-FarmMarkNow here’s a sketch (by Rita) you might expect of the local scene!

    Rita-Sandy-1    Rita-JapanRita Cavin was just back from her Asian cruise, and thought our mentor, Ken O’Connell, would particularly like her Kyoto trees. We sure like them!

    Sandy-BarbSo   BarbSo-RoseGardenSandy was interested in what Barb Sommers had done in her sketchbook since we last met. Roses from the Rose Garden!

    Jane-truck     Sandy-truckThe farm goods truck caught the eyes of Jane & Sandy, both of whom swore off trying to sketch trucks ever again. It was sort of fun.

    Sharon     Sharon-FarmMarkSharon Heinz, who attended Ken’s sketch class at Emerald Art Center last week, joined us.  A watercolor painter, she said her goal was to loosen up – looks like she accomplished her goal! We were happy to have her with us.

  • Viewing the Rain from Riverview Café

    RiverView Café, RiverBend Medical Center, Springfield, OR

    Our original reason for going there was to see the display of Patti McNutt’s art (please click the photos to see a larger view):

    1-birds    2-Patti-bioHere are Patti’s fabulous birds at the entry of the cafe, and here she is herself re-creating her photo in her artist’s statement!  (She has  a problem with being overly serious about herself, but we love her.)

    3-view      4-crewHere’s the beautiful rainy view, and the sketchy crowd: Heidi, Sandy, Penelope, Patti (& Jane behind the camera).

    5-poppy design        6-nature designPenelope brought work to share from a class she’s taking, where you go from nature drawings to abstracted designs. How cool is that!

    7-Sandy      8-PattiSo Sandy and Patti got right down to drawing the nature scene.

    9-Jane      10-PeneJane started her sketch in pencil (she’s taking a class from Steven Reddy), while Sandy & Penelope went directly into watercolor (notice Penelope’s brush holding technique for branches).

    11-Heidi       12-HeidiHeidi couldn’t resist the ginkgo leaves Patti brought, and got raves for the way she used shadows in the negative space to ground them.

    13-muffin     14-JaneConfession time – Jane caved in & got a chocolate muffin, just for modeling purposes, of course, & did a quick contour drawing.  She claims the drawing will get a Reddy India ink wash – we’ll see…

    15-memorializingAnd Penelope summed up our visit in her sketchbook.