Category: Uncategorized

  • What’re you gonna draw? I dunno. What’re you…

    Jane Harrison’s, Eugene, OR

    3Sitting on the back deck in Jane’s yard, slightly stunned by the lovely spring morning.

    1   2   4Erik & Barb Shirk looking, looking; Sandy & Barb Aten focusing;
    Tricia getting right into it, of course!

    Erik-1   Erik-2And Erik is off!  Off on a memory of him & his Dad eating ice cream back in 1987.  What a great memory!

    BarbS-1    BarbS-2Barb Shirk finished her sketch of the shooting star wild flowers, and added a stylized version from a book Heidi brought last week.  Then she started sketching a pine cone from Jane’s yard.

    fountain-1    fountain-2    fountain-3Sandy and Barb Aten focused on the frog in the fountain, from slightly different angles but you could almost hear him croaking!

    Jane-1    Jane-2 Jane was intrigued with a montage format used by Ros Jenke (one of the Artist’s Journal Workshop artists on Facebook), so she printed out Ros’ sketch, and started playing around with the same style.Jane-3    Jane-4It was fun to see how the approach presented her back yard!

    Tricia-1    Tricia-2    Tricia-3Tricia had her own vignette montage twist with images in the yard.


  • Always Exchanging Tips

    Coffee Plant Roasters, Eugene, OR

    all-1We always enjoy picking up tips from one another – a chilly day, so it was good to be inside with good coffee, too! Sandy, Ken, Barb Shirk (with her back to us) Jan, & Barb Sommers (Jane behind camera).

    Sandy      Heidi-JanSandy was busy replicating noted paintings from the calendar she got from Barb Shirk (a lot be learned in that activity!), while Heidi and Jan exchanged ideas about architecture & building projects.

    BarbSh-snail      BarbSH-juryBarb Shirk had her finished snail to show, as well as her keep busy sketch from her day on jury duty.  Well, waiting to be on jury duty…

    BarbSh-slice      BarbSh-faceWhen Jane took the picture of Barb sketching a wildflower in her sketchbook, she realized that she kept getting just slices of Barb’s face in photos, so here she is laughing – more than just a nose!

    Heidi-testing-1       Heidi-testing-2Heidi was just testing out a new art tool, she said (the colored pencils by Staedler), turning out a lovely landscape in the process.

    view       Ken-pen-1Here’s what we were seeing out the window.  Sandy & Heidi were interested in the watercolor loaded brush pen Ken was using.

    Ken-tree-1      Ken-tree-2Here’s the way Ken’s sketch of the tree started to develop.

    Jan-tree-1      Jan-tree-2And here’s how Jan’s sketch of the tree developed.

    Ken-Jan-trees-1      Ken-Jan-trees-2When Ken & Jan started comparing their approaches to sketching the tree, Ken said he’d been inspired by Jan’s sketch last week. Then Jan looked at her current sketch and was baffled about what to do to complete it.  Add a car, Ken said! So she did, and so did he:

    Jan-tree-final          Ken's tree-final

  • Biscotti Prankster Heaven

    At Barbara Sommers’ in Eugene, OR

    all-2   all-Ken-Barbs-2Barbara Sommers invited us to her home, and quite a crowd showed up! Sandy, Jan, Barb Sommers, Penelope, Barb Shirk, Jane, Erik; Ken, Barb Sommers & Barb Aten. She supplied home cooked biscotti!

    BarbSo-1   Penel-5Barb Sommers showed us her version of the clothing store with ribbons from last week (remember Tricia’s?), and Penelope showed us her journal entries from her gardening & doctor visit last week.

    BarbSh-1     BarbSh-2Barb Shirk had finished the lawn ornament she started, and then began to sketch from a photo of a wonderful snail – wonder how this will all work together…keep coming back to see!

    Erik-1     Erik-2   Erik had been talking about putting together the perfect combination of spring blooming plants in an imaginary yard:

    Jan-3   Jan's View   Jan-6Jan was looking out the dining room window, and slowly the arbor-vitae appeared, and then the cars (which she said became Fiats!).

    Jane-1     Jane-2 Jane was enchanted with the images on her coffee cup – done first with pen, then markers, then water soluble ink.

    Sandy-1       Sandy-Ken-1
    Sandy started sketching Ken’s biscotti, then his sketch of the same.Sandy-Ken-3So then Ken drew a replica of his sketch in the space she’d blocked out for it on her page.

    Sandy-Ken-4    Sandy-Ken-5Now, how to draw the hand drawing while holding the pen… Ta dah!

    Sandy-Ken-Penel    sk-BarbSo-2       Penelope drew both Ken & Sandy drawing the biscotti.  Barb Sommers drew not only the biscotti, but also the art tools.

    white-1   white-2   white-3Meanwhile, folks couldn’t resist trying the various white pens Jane had brought – Penelope tried the Signo Uni-Ball, Barb Shirk the Sharpie oil based, and Jan the Sharpie water based.  Have to wait to see the results of using the Faber-Castell Pitt white pen, & the Bistro Chalk Marker by Marvy Uchida in our unending search for the perfect white for the perfect occasion.




  • Catching Up and Moving On

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

    First, the catching up….

    oilp-Erik-2       1-ErikRemember Erik’s from the last session? Here’s where the trial went!

    oilp-Ken-3      1-KenKen had a perfectly good sketch, but gave in to water brush effects.

    Jan-model      1-Jane's treeJane couldn’t resist playing with Jan’s tree model from last week.

    2-Erik       1-TriciaHere’s what Erik & Tricia did since last meeting.

    1- groupKen shared photos of charming sculptures done by his high school art teacher, Larry Goldade. Watch for a show at Watershed soon!

    BarbSh-1       BarbSh-2Barb Shirk showed us her long hair dachshund sketch, and then the secret of her watercolor pencils – licking her water brush!

    Ken-2     Erik-Amy-Ken-2Ken’s concentration on steadying his watercolor brush quickly got trumped by being able to share breakfast with Erik & Amy Gibson.

    Jan-1     Jan-2Jan found her sketch models across from us – look what she chose to include and what to exclude, then check out Barb Sommers’ below:

    BarbSo-1   BarbSo-2

    Sandy-1     Sandy-2Sandy started with sketching people, but got distracted by a postcard Ken brought with a Geisha – how enchanting is that!

    Tricia-2     Tricia-3Meanwhile, Tricia’s eye was caught by the colorful clothes outside the window, but what to do with all the space on the page? So she selected a portion of the ribbon display, and let some ends loose.

  • From Waxy to Wet

    5th St. Market, Eugene, OR

    1-choicesBarb Sommers, Jan, Heidi, & Sandy ponder art materials – here the book Ken brought along regarding classic Roman lettering, and the pot of bright red ranunculi Jane brought to share.

    Fiona     oilpas-JanKen interrupted Erik’s wax crayon sketch with a chuckle over the sketch his granddaughter Fiona did in his sketchbook.  Jan shows Heidi the difficulty she had with smudging with white wax crayon.

    2-startThen Erik made it even more complicated by talking about techniques for using Caran d’Ache water soluble wax crayons, which got Ken trying them immediately (while Barb Shirk pours over the book on lettering, and Barb Sommers & Jan get busy sketching).

    oilp-Erik-1     oilp-Erik-2
    Ken admires the layers of dark color Erik got on a previous sketch, & Erik launches into a new one (come back to see the finish of it!).

    oilp-Ken-1   oilp-Ken-2   oilp-Ken-3Ken looks at his initial sketch, then tries a wax pencil that Sandy shared, with the results at the right – nice definition & depth!

    oilp-Sandy-1    oilp-Sandy-2 Sandy starts out with an ink line drawing, then begins adding color with the Caran d’Ache wax pencils (different from the crayons).

    oilp-Sandy-3    oilp-Sandy4She adds layers of color shade until she’s satisfied – well, yeah!

    oilp-Heidi-1     oilp-Heidi-3Heidi uses the wax crayons creating a memory – a Bavarian meadow!

    BarbSh-1   BarbSh-pen1   BarbSh-water3Barbara Shirk gets a critique from Ken on one of her sketchbook pages, then (ignoring the wax crayons!) starts a new one, featuring one of her daughter’s dogs (a long-haired dachshund).

    Jan-model     Jan-TomboLooking out the window we see Jan’s view, then back on her page is her sketch using Tombo brush pens. That yellow sings!

    BarbSo-water-1     BarbSo-water-2Barb Sommers couldn’t resist sketching the flowers, using ink along with her usual deftness with a soft watercolor.

    ranun-Jane1      red ranunculas-blue potJane’s always complaining about being too tight & detailed – here’s her initial ink sketch, and the watercolor treatment she gave it when she got home.  Is that loosening up??? Uh….