Category: Uncategorized

  • Munching and Morphing

    Perugino’s, Eugene, OR

    E&S-1     E&S-2Erik, ever the gourmand, choses a caprese salad to sketch, and Sandy adds her cappuccino to her version. Wow, look at those colors!

    Trish-morph     Trish-sketchTrish introduced the topic of “morphing” when last week she started a sketch of Jane and when Jane left early she had to turn into a green vase of flowers!  Today she got the caprese and Jane, too.

    BarbSo-1-last     BarbSo-2Barbara Sommers often has to leave early, so it was fun to catch up on her finished sketch from last week, & see her start a new one.

    Carlos-BSh-1     Carlos-BSh-2Jane brought a printout of a sketch Carlos Castro Perez had posted on Facebook on the Urban Sketchers page because it reminded her so much of how Barb Shirk sketches grow around different things.

    Jane-1    Jane-2Jane tried to let Carlos’ sketch of different objects from the same street influence her sketch of the inside of Perugino’s. But hers turned out not to be so loose!  (How does he do it?!?)

    BSH-cows     BSh-morphMeanwhile, Barb Shirk tried adding the cows from a painting to her sketch, but when it got too challenging, they morphed into women’s heads! (Can you see the cows hiding in her sketch?)

    Trish-model     Trish by Brb ShAnd then Trish made such an enticing model across the table that Barb Shirk added her to the page, too.

  • Plenty to Sketch at Perugino’s

    Perugino’s, Eugene, OR

    BarbSH-NatFood    BarbSo-homeAs usual, we catch up on work done since last week.  Left is the finished orange & more by Barbara Shirk, the iris by Barb Sommers.

    BarbSh&HeidiThen it’s down to work – Barbara Sommers & Heidi Sachet.

    Erik-start     Erik-nextErik starts with a favorite sketch topic: FOOD – and he’s found the perfect balance between sketching and eating the subject!

    BarbSo-start-1     BarbS0-startBarbara Shirk is very intent…on the guy from the Perugino logo!

    BarbSh-start     BarbSh-lastBarbara Shirk is capturing him, too, incorporating him into her page.

    Heidi-start     Heidi-nextSandy looks on as Heidi begins her pencil sketch, then refines it.

    Sandy-start     Sandy-doneSandy boldly starts with a wash, ending with a splashy flower sketch.

    Tricia-start       Tricia-doneTrish begins with a tea canister, and the page develops from there.

    Jane-view       Jane's start       Jane's lastJane’s eye was caught by a wall display, and here’s how it ended up.

    Yes, we found plenty to sketch at Perugino’s (and plenty of good coffee and pastries, too!).

  • Reception at The Tate!

    The Tate Condominiums, Eugene, OR

    When the folks at the Tate Condominiums invited us to hang our sketchbook show “World Sketches” at their place, we were so honored and delighted.  They had a lovely reception for us Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015, which we all enjoyed very much.  Here are a few pics:

    IMG_5534      IMG_5538Jan and Erik, Trisha and Hugh.

    IMG_5540      IMG_5541Penelope and Trisha answer questions posed by residents.

    IMG_5543   IMG_5545Barb Shirk, Ken, Sandy, Barb Aten; Barb Aten & Satoko Matouji.

    IMG_5546    IMG_5547Patti McNutt & Erik; Jane and Barb A.

    IMG_5548  IMG_5549View of the reception area; Ken O’Connell & Sally from The Tate.

    IMG_5550      IMG_5552Kate & Erik with Ken; Hugh & Sandy with Patti.

    IMG_5553      IMG_5554Trisha shares her sketchbook; Penelope & husband with Satoko.

    Jan and Barb A look at one of the books of sketches that Erik has published.  We had several of our books on display here. I neglected to take a photo of the table laden with all kind of goodies – maybe I was thinking “out of sight, out of body” but that strategy didn’t work.

  • Natural Fruits

    Natural Grocers, Eugene, Oregon

    1      2Sandy and Barb Shirk shared their calendar watercolor swatches – Sandy posts hers like a gallery, Barb integrates hers with other art.

    AllThen we all got down to sketching our art models – fruits! Pictured here are Penelope, Tricia, and Sandy.

    BarbS-1      BarbS-2Barb Shirk starts with sepia pen, adding to a sketch already in her sketchbook, then beginning to add color and value depth.

    BarbA-1      BarbA-2Barb Aten tries out new markers, alleged to be water soluble. She’s not so happy with how they behave!

    Sandy-1      Sandy-2Sandy begins adding colored pencil definition to her light pencil sketch of the fruit, deepening the values, adding details.

    Tricia-1      Tricia-2Tricia starts with a delicate pen and ink sketch, then watercolor.

    Jane-1   Jane-2

    Jane-3   Jane-4Jane (the restless, irritable, & discontent – inside joke) tries 4 versions: watercolor, ink, water-soluble ink, marker with white.

    Erik-1      Erik-2Erik brings artful technique to the orange he peeled – first pencil, then crayon d’arche, then knife for scrafitto lifting to get light lines.

    San-peel-1      San-peel-2Sandy takes on the orange peel challenge, too, adding shadows.

    Pen-1      Pen-2Penelope adds her orange peel sketch to a page with grapes, using frames to set each sketch apart. The grapes are in a line and text frame, the orange peel gets a napkin frame.

  • New Place, New People, New Tools!

    Natural Grocers, Eugene, OR

    1Here we are, checking out a new space – nice wood tables, large windows and bright light, free coffee, and a friendly welcome. NICE!

    3       2Patti McNutt starts a sketch of the inside building structure, while Barb Shirk focuses on the wood wall sculpture.

    4     FullSizeRender The assistant manager welcomes us, including newcomers Connie & Susan, a neighbor and a cousin of Barbara Shirk.  Then the fellow responsible for scheduling cooking demos shows the calendar.

    6      7Barb shows Sandy her new Lamy pen loaded with water soluble brown ink (pic shows it over Copic Marker), and Erik took a closeup of Patti’s rediscovered tiny pen point Pentel Hybrid Technica pen.

    8      9Connie tries out the paints a friend sent her from France (very dense), & Barb Sommers shows us a sketch from out her window.

    5      E-HeidiConnie laughs about her sketch of Erik with his signature hat, and Erik shows his emerging sketch of Heidi.

    10      11Barb Sommers starts a pencil sketch of the green pepper and red onion on the table, and Patti goes straight to ink!

    12      13Jan Brown starts with Stylo colored ink pens, and Sandy adds colored pencil to her ink drawing of the same subject.

    14      15Heidi does some colored pencil overlay, and Jan adds water soluble Tombo markers.

    16      17Jane added watercolor to her ink sketch on toned paper, and Sandy adds some commentary to fill out her sketch page.

    19      18Patti posts her sketch of the inside of the store on their bulletin board, as Jan, Heidi, and Sandy finish their sketches.