Oakway Mall Courtyard, Eugene, OR
Who are these masked sketchers? Can you guess?
If we did unmask while we sketched, we were at a careful distance.
If it doesn’t look like the right distance, it’s because the camera was zoomed, or the photo was cropped. But careful didn’t mean no joy.
At work: Barb Sh, Daisy (with Marsha in background), & Helga.
Marsha with a sketch of…Peggy! Sandy with a sketch of Laura!
Laura; Jane with yellow marker in mouth taking pics; Hugh.
Sketches by: Peggy, Jane, Hugh, Daisy, ?; Barb Sh.; Sandy’s sketch of Laura, Laura’s sketch, & Marsha’s sketch of Laura!
Finished sketches by Hugh, Jane (oh, that’s why the yellow marker!)