Sandy, Nancy, Marsha, Jim; Eva, Sandy, Jim, Pat, Nancy, MarshaSandy is a birder, and really enjoys sketching her finds, too.Hugh’s decked out for the cold, sketching a sketchers in the corner of the shelter.Nancy, Daisy, Sandy. Nancy had fun with trees – such a nice park.Daisy too most of the photos today, showed off her new quilt, and sketched, too!Gail, Lynda, Eva. Here’s Lynda doing a pencil sketch.Gail showed her finished sketch of Lynda from last week, then. this week’s sketch.Eva keeps working with pastels and water brush, pushing to get darks.Jim was far far away in Tibet!Marsha took some photos, sketched some sketchers,started in on her pumpkin quest.Pat counteracted the cold with glove-mitts, and a sketch with warm autumn colors!