New Day Bakery, Eugene
Here’s the gang, looking one way down the table, then the other, and then in the other room altogether! Many people, different tools, too.
Helga is using simple graphite pencil, although she tells us she has actually ordered some paint supplies and looks forward to them!
Sandy is using pencil, too, to work on the concepts behind perspective, with her husband Hugh giving her some pointers.
Here you can see the results of Barb Sh using water soluble graphite, which becomes permanent when you put water on it – no smearing!
Marnie was working on a portrait of Katie, using graphite, which delighted Katie so much she had to take a photo of it!
Katie put masking tape down for borders, anticipating watercolor, but began her sketch with pencil first.
Pencil first for Barb So, too, then watercolor to capture the color in her model’s sweater (Barb Sh was the unwitting model – thanks!).
Laura does pencil first (good idea on a challenging perspective topic) then moves on to watercolor (see her little “makeup” palette).
Danita is using watercolor “sticks” for the first time, trying different approaches and wishing at last for a sumi stick grinding stone!
Marsha has a watercolor wash background all ready to go, and did her sketch of Jean (sitting across from her) in colored pencil. Nice!
Jane, in a moment of rashness, went straight to ink, then watercolor.
Hugh started out with wax crayons (ala Erik) on black, then on to ink.
Erik’s mastery of the wax crayons is evident – look at that detail, too!
Jean says she’s emulating Erik, but she does another technique, too, adding watercolor to her soluble wax crayons to blend & brighten.
And then there’s Ken, noted for using whatever art tool is near at hand – pens, markers, watercolor backgrounds – WOW.