Cool Sanctuary at Cortesia, 7/8/14

We were so pleased to retreat up into the woods at Cortesia last week in the hot weather,  eager to repeat the visit, and happy to be welcomed back:


IMG_2932 IMG_2938Anne joined us & was delighted to find a poppy to match her shirt. Meanwhile, Forest tells Hugh & Sandy about the property.

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Erick starts sketching a tree, while Tricia and Hugh get set up, and Jane does a watercolor sketch of the glass assemblage on the table.
(You can see Anne on the other side of the table – knitting!)

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Sandy and Tricia took on the glass assemblage challenge, too.

Here’s Sandy’s sketch, white gel pen on black paper.

Tricia added some background detail to her watercolor.

IMG_2953 IMG_2955Hugh’s trees quickly took shape, & life with color added.

IMG_2950 IMG_2959Erik’s tree outline begins to have depth & shading.

Meanwhile, someone asked Hugh & Sandy how their trip was, trekking the Camino in Spain, and out came their sketchbooks:


Here’s Sandy’s first page with an equipment sketch.


Tricia & Anne are entranced by the sketchbooks and tales of the trip.

Hugh enjoys giving Erik some highlights. Fabulous trip, fabulous stories – we’re so glad they’re back to share!




One response to “Cool Sanctuary at Cortesia, 7/8/14”

  1. Tricia Clark McDowell Avatar
    Tricia Clark McDowell

    As usual, Jane, you did a great job capturing the lovely time we had together at Cortesia. I hope we’ll actualize our tentative plan to gather again at Cortesia on July 29th for a longer day of sketching, a potluck lunch, strolling on some of our wooded trails to various view points on the edge of the ridge top, and perhaps some sketching exercises from the “Tao of sketching” book that so many of us are enjoying. It would be special to have a little more time to settle in. Maybe we could all bring a completed sketchbook from the past that might want to share with the others. Lots of possibilities. Have a suggestion for the day?