5th St. Market, Eugene, OR
It all started out pretty calmly…
Barb A, Betsey, Erik, Helga, Bev, Tricia, Barb Sh & Penny at task.
Then we had to add another table for Judith (celebrating her birthday with a cinnamon roll), & partner Annie who was getting encouragement for the upcoming sketch trip to Italy from Ken.
Barb Sh. was busy adding text to her double layout, done with her Lamy pen and sepia water soluble ink.
Penny borrowed some of the ink to sketch the holder Barb Sh had made; Bev quickly got into details outside the window.
Jane started sketching the pinwheel Danish, then remembered she had a Lamy pen with black water soluble ink – fun to pull shadows.
Tricia was intrigued with the potted plants on the outside patio.
Erik began planning a story sketch, & Betsy tried out some paints she had tucked away for awhile – it’s gouache! Beautiful colors.
But what is this Penelope brought in? It’s Flat Stanley, visiting from her nephew in Ohio! Let’s do a sketchbook for him to take home!
Jane did a page showing sketching tools, & Bev did an Oregon butterfly. The pages started adding up as they went around.
Penelope chuckles at the sketch Barb Sh did of Stanley holding an Oregon Banana Slug, & Tricia & Barb Sh enjoy all the sketches.
Then Stanley started showing up in our own sketchbooks! Here he is in Bev’s, and in Tricia’s. What a cutie!
He joined the portrait page in Auntie Penelope’s sketchbook.
Barb A did a quick sketch with notation of color, then decided she had time to do it now, and voila! Here’s Flat Stanley – ta dah!