Barry’s, Southtowne, Eugene, OR
It takes coordination to get us all in the picture – & we probably need time lapse photography… Above: Erik, the hands of Tricia, Barb S-N, Penelope, Barb Sh, Jane, & Sandy. Below: Tricia, Barb S-N, Penelope, Barb Sh, Jan, Sandy, and Erik (the brave). But wait, there’s more!
Erik, of course, took advantage of the fabulous eating options at Barry’s, but he also did some sketching…of sketchers at the table!
We were curious to see how Barb Shirk’s oxalis sketch turned out (here with Erik, & with Jan), but let her do some sketching today, too.
Jane had brought the yellow orchid, which she thoroughly enjoyed sketching – here’s how her sketch developed.
Jane and Sandy were really intent on their sketching, but take a look at what Sandy was sketching (who can spell that yummy treat?).
Barbara S-N was focused on the orchid, too, capturing Penelope’s attention with what she was doing with watercolor.
Then Barb A sneaked in the door and was making up for lost time.
Meanwhile, Jan was already on her 2nd sketch trying to get loose in this version, while across the table Penelope was sketching Jan!
The orchid caught Tricia’s eye, too, and here’s her final sketch of it.
Ken finally takes a breather from looking at everyone’s work, commenting and encouraging, before he turns back to his own – he’s working on borders for his accordion style sketchbook in a sort of Celtic design (note the swan sketch on the right).