Friends at Friendly Street

FullSizeRenderJan and Barbara were off to a quick start; setting to their respective drawings immediately.FullSizeRender_2Barbara showed us her drawing of a visit to a giant sculpture head.FullSizeRenderJan started working on some trees and foliage around the Market sign in front of us.FullSizeRender_1Sandy arrived on her bike Friday to take a picture of two TDs hard at work, and one of them relaxing!IMG_7442She started drawing the table lamp in front of us, and was frustrated by perspective.FullSizeRender_1Erik did a couple of short sketches illustrating the basics of one and two point perspective, but we all pretty much decided that since Cezanne’s time, there wasn’t much to be gained from slavishly using rules of that sort.  Just draw what you see!


2 responses to “Friends at Friendly Street”

  1. Janice Brown Avatar
    Janice Brown

    Good work Erik. Thanks so much for keeping us together!

  2. Jane Harrison Avatar
    Jane Harrison

    I second Jan’s remark. I appreciate Erik’s stepping up to take on the blog master tasks – well done! I got to be on a virtual visit with you while I was in Italy!